Code 7

233 11 1




"Yes, the Elian Carr, that's why I was so hesitant to ask him for anything," Felix spoke, rubbing over his face as he thought over what just happened. It had taken him hours after the mess of that day, while laying on his bed, a pack of ice kept over his forehead, when it finally hit him who it was. How could he have even forgotten him?

"You should have stopped me Felix!" Hector continued, offended, "I just asked the person who made the documentary to buy me burgers when it should have been the other way around." He huffed, putting emphasis on 'the'.

"You know how shy I get Hector," Felix griped, lissom fingers going up to his face, rubbing them out of nervousness.

"Oh yeah... I totally forgot about your crush on him." Hector mused, cocking his brows teasingly.

"What?!" Felix whispered, looking scandalous, "I don't have a crush on him." He emphasized, charcoal eyes pulled down into a sneer.

"Tell that to yourself, lover boy." Hector retorted, rolling his eyes, throwing the paper cup into a nearby dustbin.

"I don't have a crush on him...." Felix continued to defend himself, following Hector, "It's just that I admire him a lot and he helped me with a very big thing in my life.... unknowingly." He trailed off, nervously playing with the slides of his police cap before adjusting it on top of his head. 'Police Department of West Emcor', penned on it, in black block letters.

"Crush, admiration, adoration, affection call it whatever you want but I am making you talk to him today and that's it." Hector finalized, throwing a stern look at Felix's way, turning a corner, striding towards the area designated for security.

Usually private security institutions would have been called for such an event, but due to the magnitude of the event, and the presence of the mayor as the chief guest, made it so that they had to secure the area.

"What! Hector no... you saw me become a mess there." Felix pleaded, "I can't make a fool out of myself like that again." He continued, trying to persuade his friend.

"I said what I said, Officer." Hector smirked with an evil glint as he pushed past the door, to the surveillance room. Felix's eyes widened comically, muscled hands going up to his colleague's upper arm to stop him.

"Guys! You won't believe what just happened." Hector declared with ease, ignoring Felix.


"...and his face was like a literal tomato through all of this," Hector reputed,the room filled with laughter, except for an embarrassed and crimson-cheeked Felix.

"Guys!" Felix whined. "Stop making fun of me." He added, leaning back onto the ergonomic chair, shrinking into himself.

"Felix! I am so making you talk to Elian when he comes back...God I still can't believe you made Elian Carr buy you burgers." Aaliyah exclaimed, laughing.

"The Elain Carr." Ola added, tone more controlled, but there was still a hint of teasing in them.

"I was going to stop him but it was Hector who started thirsting over burgers in the middle of the food stall." Felix defended, throwing his arms up in the air, moving forward by pushing his feet against the ground

"I was not thirsting over and moreover all you had to say was it is the Elian Carr and I would have bought him those burgers myself." Hector retorted, slapping Felix's shoulders.

"Hector, you can't blame lover boy; he must've probably been fanboying on the inside." Keir jokes, his gummy smile showing.

"Ugh... I hate you all."

"Bet-time! Who thinks Felix is going to be a blushing mess when Elian comes over?" Aaliyah jokes, sliding a bill onto the table.

"100!" Hector butts in.


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