Code 16

172 7 0


"Fuck...." Felix sighed as the events of last night came flooding back.

Congratulations Felix you have just acted like a total clown in front of your crush.

Drunk Felix, did it feel good to make a fool out of yourself.?

Felix mentally cursed at himself as he rubbed at his face, disposing of his gun at the coffee table in front of the couch. Making a promise to himself to never get drunk like that ever again.

Felix sat on his knees in front of the couch, looking at the sleeping Elian. Brushing his hair--

Yeah do creepy that is going to help you out of the embarrassment.

This doesn't look comfortable at all

Really? You just made Eli sleep on the couch like that.


Felix softly took the cushion out of Elian's hand, giggling a little at the tight hold Elian had on the cushion.

Felix placed the cushion on the coffee table before turning back towards the elder, only now noticing the pout the elder sported. It seemed like Elian had many cute little quirks that he exhibited when he is asleep.

Felix tenderly turned the elder onto his back, placing one of his hands under Elian's knees and other under his upper back, picking Elian up before taking him to his room. Felix was delicate in his actions, not wanting to hurt or wake the elder up.

Though it seemed to go to waste as just seconds later he heard the elder groan as he opened his eyes, looking around confused, as he rubbed at his eyes with his fists.

"Shit, was I too loud? I am so sorry for waking you up." Felix whispered.

"No was the cushion." Elian answered, "I tend—" A yawn, "wake up when I don't have anything to cuddle with." He added.

Elian yawned again as he rubbed at his eyes, finally looking at the younger properly before his face turned into a smirk, "Wow...thanks for the early morning striptease."


Felix's eyes widened as realization set in, he was naked in front of his crush well half-naked, but still.

The smirk was still on his face as he got out of Felix's bed.

"Wait...are you leaving?" Felix asked, rubbing at his rosy cheeks, trying to ignore his boxer clad legs.

"Felix it's 3:30...where the fuck do you want me to go to at this hour?" Elian pointed with a cock of his brow, "I am going to take a piss." Elian added as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Wow more embarrassment...just wonderful.

"Felix!" Elian called out from the bathroom.

"Um...yes," Felix answered as he came out of his self-pity.

"Do you have mixed fruit jam here?"

"Yes...I think I do. Why?"

Wait did you just ask 'why'.


Why would he ask for a jam? To watch it drip...

"Did you just ask me 'why'?" Elian asked as he got out of the bathroom, drying his hands on the towel.

"I guess I did."

"Well I was asking it to you know eat...but seeing as you are still very much half-naked. You have any other plans?" Elian asked, looking over his shoulder as he walked towards the fridge.

"Fuck..." Felix cursed, looking for his something to wear over his boxers.

"Felix...why is there a gun at the table!?"


Thanks for reading!

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