Code 12

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"Hi!" Felix squeaked out after a minute of just looking at the drag queens in front of him.

"He really is a cute one." Ginger said, smiling widely at the cute police officer in front.

"Right!" Elian exclaimed, "You should have heard him talk about you guys that day. God...he sounded so endearing; he really does admire you guys a lot."

"Didn't you tell us that cute was his trigger word or something?" Eileen joked.

"Eli!" Felix whined, glaring daggers at a giggling Elian.

"Eileen...that word only works when Elian says it." Mona jested, the rest of the queens breaking out in laughter.

Elian choked on his drink, coughing as he tried to hide his red face. Felix was already a mess, and the comment had not helped at all.

"Oof...queens look at us go...setting people up and shit." Mona continued, not giving the blushing couple a chance.

"Oh my god you guys...stop," Elian whined, throwing the cushion he was resting on at Mona.

"Baby...I say what I see...I am seeing some top-notch love shit." There was no stopping Mona now, it seems.

Felix! Get this over with! You have already reached your blushing point for today.




"What's up!!"

"Oh my god." Felix sighed, "I love you guys." He blurted out.

"As in all three of us at the same time..." Ginger teased.

"Scandalous," Eileen commented.

"Actually, I love everyone who was you know in the documentary...and thanks cause you all really helped me with well coming out to my family and my friends." He begins, taking in a deep breath.

"If it weren't for you guys then I would've probably never come out and would've continued being this scared little boy, and I am very serious when I say this. Like you guys were 'that' moment for know when one realizes that they need to just come out."

"The way you guys talked and acted so free, so uncaring of what the world thought of courageous. And I am so thankful to Eli for introducing you guys to me...words can't express how much you guys have helped me...unknowingly. You all are just so so... such wonderful artists."

"Well...I am thankful to you for ruining my make up." Mona commented, after a few seconds of silence.

"Oh my god! That was just so...I am" Ginger said, rubbing at their eyes carefully.

"Group hug time queens!" Eileen exclaimed, coming forward and burying Felix in their warm embrace.

Ginger screamed excitedly as they came forward too, followed by Elian, all of them excited.

"Even though I have to retouch my makeup now, those were some sweet words there, kid."

"Told you they will all love you."


Thanks for reading!

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