Code 15

162 6 0




Felix groaned in pain as he woke up, his whole upper body hurt like hell due to the position he was sleeping in.

Fuck why am I sleeping in my jeans...god this is so uncomfortable.

Felix thought as he removed his jeans, his body felt sticky, hot and just overall uncomfortable. He threw his jeans onto the floor, his hands going to the small table near his bed to search for his phone, only to knock the glass of water that was kept there on to the floor.

"Fuck!" Felix cursed, "Why do I have a glass of water.... wait where are my keys!?" Felix thought out aloud, now fully awake as he turned towards the table to search for his keys, looking on the floor to see if it fell or something.

Fuck! Shit! A burglar!

Where is my fucking phone?

Felix thought as he jumped out of his bed, pushing his mattress up, and unlocking the shelf that was there.

Felix quietly took his gun out, walking stealthily towards the main hall. He needed to find his phone and call for help. Felix was alert as he walked into the main hall, even though the room was dark, years of living in the apartment made up for it. He knew where everything was in his apartment like the back of his hand.

His eyes perked as he heard soft snores coming from the couch.

The burglar is sleeping in my home......?

Felix thought confused as he walked towards the couch.

Wait! What if they heard me talking and they are now trying to act asleep so I lower my guard!

You are a smart one but not as smart as me.

Felix was quick to pick his gun back up, walking towards the couch.

Felix was swift as he pointed his gun at whoever was occupying the couch, keeping a minimum distance between so that the burglar couldn't snatch his gun or attack him.

Wait, the burglar

What the fuck? Felix that was some stupidity right there...acting like he was asleep so that I would lower my guard.

Wait...why is Elian here?

Or am I just dreaming?

Felix had been pulled out of his thoughts by Elian's cute cheeks which were squished due to him sleeping on his side. His hands holding onto his cushion tightly.

So cute...

Oh my god.... oh my god!!! Elian knows... Elian saw... Elian heard.

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