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Within half an hour the balcony was full of empty beer bottles and boys. Josh and Caspar had arrived shortly after Jack, and then Oli. Mikey was still yet to arrive, but that was no surprise. I don't think he could even be on time for his own funeral.

'So we have a special guest tonight' Joe winked and he slapped more burgers on the barbecue with one hand, his beer still in the other.

'And who on earth would that be?' I ask, lighting a second cigarette. Well I was drinking and with friends, and I bloody well enjoy it.

'Now that would be telling!' Joe tapped his nose and laughed, turning his back on me to add yet more food to the barbecue.

'Mikey is in the building!' Mikey yelled as he appeared in the door doing jazz hands. 'But even better, we have our guest of honour! Lads..' I coughed loudly 'Sorry Mia.. and Lady - I introduce to you the mega star CONOR MAYNARD.' Mikey moved to the side, and the arrogant twat that happens to be related to Jack appeared where Mikey had just been stood.

'Now Mikey, how many times do we have to tell you that you don't need to introduce him? He is our mate, not a stranger' Josh laughs as he gives Conor a quick bro hug, making for Caspar and the other boys to do the same. I didn't bother to move, I couldn't be arsed.

'And you are?' The arrogant twat had appeared in front of me.

'Mia. Joe's Friend.'

'Ohhh I did wonder if you were real. Nice to meet you.. I guess?' Conor shrugged as he turned his back and went over to his brother. I love Jack, why couldn't his mother have birthed two nice boys instead of one?


Once all of the food had been eaten and the beer drunk, the spirits started piling out of cupboards and onto the able on the balcony. Everyone was already fairly squiffy, so shots were only going to make matters worse.

'So what do you think of Conor?' Jack asks me and he hands me a shot of what looks like tequila.

'I don't think you want to know' I laugh as I throw the shot down my throat, feeling the burn as it slid down into my tummy.

'Oh god, not another one' Jack groaned as he refilled the shot glass and handed it straight back.

'What do you mean?' I enquire before throwing the second down.

'Everyone fancies the pants off of him, apparently I am the ugly brother' he groaned again, giving up on the glasses and drinking straight from the bottle before passing it to me.

'Woahh, think you have got the wrong end of the stick there Mr Maynard.'

'What? You don't fancy him?'

'God no!'

'Oh. Oh that surprises me' Jack raises his eyebrows at me, waiting for me to drink my shot from the bottle. 'So what will it take for me to get the truth out then?'

'I will need a lot more tequila!'

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