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Conor's POV

I haven't spoken to Mia since I slipped out Sunday morning. Not a text of a phone call. I kind of want to, but at the same time I am still hurt and angry. I should never have allowed myself to get so drunk that I spilled my heart to her. I am fucking moron.

I push Mia to the back of my mind, packing ready for a lads holiday. It is going to be mental, just Jack, Joe, Oli and I in a villa, with a pool, in the sun. Fucking heaven if you ask me!

I chuck my suitcase in the boot along with Jack and Oli's and climb into the drivers seat. As I pull out of the car park, I turn the music up and feel it pump through my veins. A lads holiday is exactly what I need right now. And somehow I need to tell the lads that I am not actually GOING back to LA. That will be an interesting conversation.

It takes an age to get through security, and Jack got a text from Joe to say that they were running ahead so would board before us. No problem there as we would all be spread across the plane anyway. All that money Joe makes and he is too tight to pay fifteen quid a seat for us to sit together!

Eventually we make it onto the plane and into our seats, so I put my headphones in, turn my music up and close my eyes.


It feels like the longest few hours of my life, but eventually we land. Jack appears at my side, complaining that he NEEDS to go to the toilet and it isn't going to wait till we are off the plane, so Oli and I wait around for him. By the time he comes back, we are the last three on the plane.

'I text joe and let home know that we will meet him at the villa' Jack shrugged as we grabbed our luggage from the carousel and headed to the taxi rank, flagging a car down and loading our luggage before climbing in ourselves. We had about an hours drive, so I connected my phone to the cars Bluetooth and put some music on.

'So you never did tell us what happened with Mia the other night' Jack suddenly says, shocking me into silence, taken off guard.

'Nothing happened, we drank and smoked, didn't talk, then I went home and realised I had lost my fucking keys and phone AGAIN and so she let me sleep on her sofa. That was all there was to it - nothing more, nothing less.'

'So are you friends now?' Jack asked, hope laced in his voice.

'No, not friends. She was fucking rude!'

'Ahhh thought so' Jack sighed, tipping his head back and closing his eyes.

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