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'Joseph!' I call as I let myself into his apartment, dumping my bag on his breakfast bar before heading in the direction of his bedroom. 'Joseph where are you?'

I knock and push his bedroom door open, and then I hear the shower in his ensuite. I close the door again and head back to the kitchen. I pull out two beers, pop the caps and take a long sip of my own. I really needed that after the past few days.

'My god, you can't go sneaking around like that!' Joe practically screamed as he waltzed into the kitchen in nothing but a towel around his waist.

'I did call, more than once! But then I realised you were in the shower. Here, take this' I say as I throw one of the four packages at him.

'No way you got it finished already? Well you know what I am wearing tonight now!' Joe grinned as he took a swig of his beer and headed off back down the hall.

I grabbed my beer and went and sat outside on the balcony in the glorious evening sun. I light a cigarette and take a long drag, enjoying the pull in my lungs. I am not a regular smoker, more socially, but boy did I need it today. I had been working solidly since 6am to get the first shirts finished, barely even stopping for food or toilet breaks. When I finish my cigarette I stub it out in an ashtray and take my beer back inside, sure I heard Jacks voice.

'Miaaaaa!' Jack screeched as I slipped through the glass sliding doors, barely through before Jack had thrown his arms around my waist and spinning me in circles.

'Okay okay, put me down' I laughed, happy to feel my feet on the floor once again. 'There is a present for you in the kitchen' I smiled as I followed him across the room.

'No way! How did you get it done so fast?' Jack grinned as he ripped the packing open and pulled out his shirt for a proper look. 'This is amazing, like actually amazing. Thank you!' Jack kissed my cheek as he shot out of the room in the direction of the bathroom, just as Joe appeared in the doorway.

'I actually fucking LOVE it!' Joe exclaimed as he spun on the spot, grabbing his beer and clinking his to mine. 'Cheers!'

'I am pleased' I grin as I down the last of my beer, grabbing another from the fridge. 'I got up at 6am especially!'

'Crazy woman! Can I post on my instagram yet?' he wined.




'Why not?'

'Because i'm not ready.'

'Okay okay okay. Come on, lets get the barbecue lit!'

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