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I check the living room and kitchen first, then Joe's bedroom. I even check the bathroom. He isn't anywhere to be seen. I go for a quick wee and grab two beers from the fridge, stumped at where he could be. There I remember the small balcony off of Joe's bedroom. I push the bedroom door back open and walk towards the door, realising I had been right.

I kind of stop dead, just standing there staring at him. Conor is sat on the floor against the wall, bottle of beer next to him and cigarette in hand, just kind of looking lost. Oh for fuck sake Jack, why are you always right? And now I feel like a complete and utter dickhead.

Realising that a bottle of beer probably isn't going to cut it, I slip back out to the kitchen, grab a bottle of tequila from the cupboard and a fresh pack of cigarettes from my handbag before slipping back into the bedroom. Still unseen by Conor. He doesn't see my until the door opens, anger flitting across his face as he looks up.

I say nothing, sitting beside him against the wall. I light myself a cigarette and pass him the box, Conor always saying nothing as he took them from me. As he lit his cigarette I opened the bottle of tequila, taking an enourmous swig before holding that out for Conor. We sat in complete silence for about an hour, drinking and chain smoking. No talking, no eye contact. But the longer we sat there, the more the awkwardness seemed to drain away. I held my hand out for the bottle, taking it from Conor and knocking back the last before speaking.

'I'm sorry.'

'But are you?'


'So you are telling me you haven't been forced by Joe or Jack?'

'Well I was at first, but not now. I got you wrong, and I am sorry for that.'

'You did. Not sure I really want your apology though.'

'Thats fine, but I have apologised and I am sorry.' I make to stand, getting halfway up before Conor grabbed the hem of my hoodie and pulled me back down.

'I didn't say I wanted to be alone either' he whispered as he closed his eyes and leant he head back against the wall we were leaning on.

'Okay' I whispered back, closing my eyes and doing the same. It was starting to get cold, and I was starting to shiver.

'Cold?' Conor asked as he opened his eyes.

'Just a bit. Fancy going back in yet?' I asked hopeful.

'Not really. Here' Conor smiled as he shrugged his coat off and placed it around my shoulders.

'Thank you' I whispered. Kind of mesmerised by the cheeky smile I had just witnessed. Ohhh shit, I see what Jack means now. Bollocks. 'Can I at least go and get more alcohol?' I asked, again hopeful.

'Stay here, I will get it. Need a piss anyway' he whispered as he stood and disappeared into Joe's flat.

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