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Conor's POV

'You took that too far bro, you can't go dropping the C-Bomb like that! Mia is honestly one of the greatest women I have ever met. PLEASE just try and get along for me' Jack was pleading at me again. I had heard it all before, Jack pleading with me over Mia. He was adamant he was not romantically interested in her but I wouldn't be sure.

'Please just go and apologise? She apologised to you the other day!'

'Yeah, then she called me and arrogant angry twat! And she didn't expect me to explode back at her?'

'Look, she is a female. You spent the night at hers, then haven't contacted her since. She is GOING to be angry with you' Jack shrugged his shoulders and he perched himself on the kitchen counter.

'Do you listen to a word I say? NOTHING HAPPENED. I slept on her fucking sofa!'

'Well either way, upstairs and apologise or Oli and I aren't going to the shop for booze!'


I turn and punch the wall, stomping up the stairs to the first floor. Three doors are open and one is closed, so it is obvious which room is Mia's. I knock and get not reply, so I knock again. Still nothing. I knock a third time, much louder but still get no response so I quietly open the door. No Mia, but all of her belongings. I stand in the doorway, hearing the toilet flush and then a tap running. The bathroom doors opens and Mia appears, wearing the skimpiest bikini I have ever seen.

'What the fuck do you want?' she asks angrily, throwing herself down onto the bed. Shit, she is still very very angry. I take a step closer, closing the door behind me.

'Mia can we talk?'

'I think you did enough taking downstairs, don't you?' she spits back. Oh fuck. Why do I always have to fuck things up so fucking badly.

'Please? Can I sit?'

'Depends if you are going to call me a CUNT again.'

'No, I'm not.' I sit on the edge of the bed, inches away from Mia and very aware that she could punch me from here. 'I am sorry Mia. I feel like we are going around in circles here with apologies, but I am. I shouldn't have called you a cunt. I was angry with the lads for lying to me, and then I was angry that you called me an Arrogant Twat again. I didn't think and it just slipped out.'

'You called me a cunt. That doesn't just slip out!' Mia was shouting now, and I genuinely feared for my life. But at the same time I couldn't move. I hadn't noticed before, but she was FUCKING hot. And the bikini was so skimpy that I didn't have to use much imagination. 'Are you even LISTENING to me?' she screamed, sitting up onto her knees and screaming into my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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