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When Joe said 'party' I assumed he meant at least all of the lads. No. No he did not! His 'party' consisted of Joe, Jack, myself and Arrogant Twat. It didn't take me long to get drunk, the alcohol needed to block out Arrogant Twats droning on about some fucking shit he has been doing in LA. I couldn't care less to be honest.

'How about never have I ever? Or truth or dare?'

Shit, I must have zoned out for quite some time, and now Joe is insisting we play drinking games. Usually I am all game, but I really don't want to do anything with Arrogant Twat. I should probably stop calling him that. Or maybe not.

'Truth or dare!' Jack shouts as he tossed his empty shot glass on the floor and pinched my cigarettes from my pocket.

'Jack you dont even smoke!' I laugh as I take them back. 'No but you do, and one might just cheer you up he' he laughed. I took his advice and lit a cigarette, seeing Arrogant Twat look up at me, so I tossed the box and lighter in his direction without a word.

'Cheers' was all he said.

'Mia first! Truth of Dare?!' Joe grins as he slips a shot glass in my direction.


'I got this one!' Arrogant Twat smirks as he takes a drag on his cigarette. 'Why do you hate me?'

Jack loudly exhales and mumbles under his breath 'hereeeee we goooo' before ignoring the shot glass and appearing to chug from a vodka bottle.

'Truth? You are a complete and utter arrogant tosser. Constantly going on about how amazing you are, people you have met, things you have done, like you are the queen of fucking sheba. There isn't one real thing about you, and its not only incredibly unattractive, but it is fucking irritating too.' I drink my shot, take a drag on my cigarette and look up to see Joe and Jack's jaws have hit the floor and Arrogant Twat just looks confused.

'You literally dont even know me, and that much is evident. But okay, think what you like' Arrogant Twat shrugs as he stubs his cigarette out and head indoors. Joe and Jack stare at me, waiting for me apologise or do something to fix it.

'He wanted the truth, I gave it to him. I am not apologising' I sigh, lighting another cigarette and downing my shot.

'Mia you were pretty harsh' Joe groaned. 'You don't have to like everyone, but you dont need to be that mean.'

'I wasn't mean!' I practically shout. 'I told him what he asked, what am I meant to do. Lie?'

'To be fair Mia, you don't even know him. You haven't given him a chance. You give him a chance, I promise he isn't what you think' Jack practically pleads.

'Fine. I will apologise. But I am not going to be friends with him. Understood?'

'Understood' Joe and Jack say in unison. I finish my cigarette, down another shot and head inside to find Arrogant Twat. I really REALLY need to stop calling him that. Conor. I need to find Conor.

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