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We let ourselves out of Joe's apartment, and Mia insisted on walking me to mine. I don't know why, and I am more than capable of walking on my own, but rather than argue again I just agree. We walk in silence on the short walk to my apartment block, my arms cold, my coat still over Mia's shoulders. We get to my block and she insists on walking me all the way to my door, so we get in the lift in silence, we slamming my fist into the buttons harder than I intend. I see fear flash in Mia's eyes and instantly feel bad. But I say nothing.

We step out of the lift on my floor, walking down the short corridor to my door. I start fumbling in my pockets, as Mia goes to hand me back my coat.

'Keep it, you will only freeze on the way back' I sigh, unable to locate me phone and keys. 'Are my phone and keys in my coat?' I ask, leaning on the wall whilst she starts searching the pockets.

'No, I don't think they are.'

'Oh for FUCK sake' I yell, pummelling my fist into the wall this time. I instantly regret it when the flash of fear in Mia's eyes that I saw in the lift returns.

'Do you want me to ring Jack?'

'Whats the point? Like he is going to wake up! Do you have a key for Joe's flat?' I ask, my voice kinder than before.

'No I don't, sorry. Look, stay at mine. We can find your stuff tomorrow.'

'I am pretty sure you don't want me in your apartment, thanks though' I smile slightly as I slide down the wall outside my apartment, resigning myself to yet another night locked out alone.

'Come on' Mia grabs my hands and drags me to my feet. 'It is the least I can do.' Mia doesn't let go of my hand until we reach the lift, only letting go to press the 'call' button. She may have really upset me, but I am grateful for her in this moment.

We walk back across to the apartment block we had come from in silence once again, Mia leading me to her door the floor below Joe. She opens the door, letting me inside and kicking off her shoes as she goes.

'Give me a minute' she says disappearing off down the hallway, leaving me stood in her living room. There is art all over the walls, pops of colour everywhere. I like it, it is much more personal than the usual white and grey boxes I live in. When Mia returns she is in a pair of Joggers and a hoody, her hair thrown up in a messy bun. She points to the sofa whilst she walks to the fridge, returning with two bottles of water. 'I ordered Pizza, it shouldn't be long.

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