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Only maybe half hour passes before everyone is beyond squiffy and moved onto absolutely shitfaced. Me and Jack are sat against a wall in the far corner of the balcony with a second bottle of tequila being passed between us. Josh, Caspar and Oli are sat on chairs at the table laughing away, and Joe, Mikey and Arrogant Twat are laid on he artificial grass whispering with the occasional cackle of laughter.

'So Miss Best, you have had a lot more tequila. Spill' Jack slurs.

'Okay okay okay. Pass me the tequila.' I take another, rather large swig before handing it back and wiping my mouth. 'Well its just.. he's a fucking arrogant twat isn't he?'

'Woah. Woaaaaaah. That wasn't what I was expecting' Jack whispered, swigging from the bottle before laughing like a fucking hyena.

'Whats so funny bro?' Arrogant twat has sat himself up and is looking in our direction. I can't help it and start laughing too, tipping onto the grass with tears streaming down my face. Why does everything seem so much funnier with alcohol running through your veins?

'Oh nothing, nothing. Just talking about..uhhh..politics.' Jack can't contain himself and starts laughing again, my laugher no longer coming out as sound as more tears stream down my face onto the grass.

When we compose ourselves and Conor has removed his nose from our business, I decide I should probably explain myself.

'Like I have seen him in you lots videos, and he is just so fucking up himself! Like the sun shines out of his probably VERY FLAT arse! Confidence is attractive, arrogance is not!'

'Honestly Mia, you have got him completely wrong. He is actually a really good guy. Give him a chance and I promise you will change your mind.'

'I gave him a chance. I said hello. What more does he want?'

'Honestly. Give him a chance, he's not actually arrogant, its just him being a joker.'

'I will tell you what the joke it Mr Maynard - all those girls that fancy him. He's not even remotely attractive!'

'You are officially the only woman I have ever heard say that!' Jack laughs as he stands and pulls me to my feet. 'Come on, we should probably, you know, socialise.'

'But I hate people' I groan as I get to my feet, stumbling slightly and pulling a cigarette from my pocket.

'Don't suppose you have a lighter do you?' Arrogant Twat asks as I fumble in my pockets. I light my cigarette, throw the lighter in his direction and walk off.

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