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ConorMaynard: Hey, calmed down yet?

MiaBest: No need.

ConorMaynard: Well you seem pretty pissed. Really to tell me what I have done?

MiaBest: I told you - nothing.

ConorMaynard: They why you pissed as me?

MiaBest: I am not pissed at you.

ConorMaynard: Could have fooled me..

MiaBest: Not everyone has to like you you know.

ConorMaynard: Wow. Cheers.

I chuck my phone on the coffee table, grabbing the TV remote and flicking through Netflix. I settle with Marcella, only pausing it to grab my food from the door. I finish the episode before throwing my takeout rubbish in the bin and heading to bed, absolutely shattered from last night.


Another week passes in a whirlwind of joggers, coffee and fabric. I plough through shirts, print new orders and drink coffee by the bucket load, seeing no one. I managed to get myself into a fabulous routine that meant that I was getting five shirts made per day, and that meant I didn't have to close my online store. Yet anyway. I needed to figure out a way that I could keep my store open but not be working all hours of the day.

As I sat myself down on my balcony with my laptop, my phone pinged.

JoeSugg: Party. Mine. Tonight.

MiaBest: Okay. Want me to bring anything?

JoeSugg: Just yourself! And a shirt if possible? ;)

MiaBest: Fine. See you later x

I spend an hour writing ideas into a notebook whist sipping on coffee and smoking multiple cigarettes. I know I said I don't really smoke much, but i'm stressed. I take everything back inside, pull out some new fabric and start cutting. By lunch time I have a new shirt made and hung ready for Joe, I am showered and dressed, and I resumed position on the balcony with my note book. I pull my phone out and call Jack.

'Ello, you alright?'

'Jack I need help.'

'Whats up?'

'I need to streamline my business somehow, make it easier to manage and so that I dont have to sew for twelve hour a day. Help.'

'Okay what have you come up with so far?'

'Literally just opening a set amount of order slots a month, but it still seems stressful.'

'Hmmm. Okay, I am popping round. Will be there in two.'

'Let yourself in, I am on the balcony.'

Jack appears almost immediately, demanding to see my website an sewing room. I dump him in there before sneaking back outside for another cigarette. This stress is real.

About fifteen minutes Jack appears and plonks himself on my bench. 'Figured it out.'

'Wow really?'

'Yep. this is what you are going to do..'

Jack truly is a genius. We close my website straight away, jack creating a cool little sign that is displayed on my website instead, letting everyone know that I would be open again soon.

I would sew four days a week - and whatever I make in that time will go up on the website for sale on a Friday. No orders pouring in, no stress. Just whatever I have made being sold. Mr Maynard is the best.

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