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Mia's POV

When I wake a few hours later, Conor is gone. Last night almost like a dream, as I'm sure he can't really have been that fragile.. could he?

I knock back a strong coffee and get to work on the last few orders before starting on 'ready to sell' stock. Jacks best idea he has ever had. I have too much to do to dwell on Conor and his three personalities.

I spend not only Sunday, but all the way through to Wednesday sewing every spare minute I had, finishing Thursday evening with thirty shirts ready to go onto the website. Thirty shirts a week probably doesn't sound all that much, but when they are boutique high-end shirts, made by someone who trained working with companies on Savile Row in London, they sell for £200 a pop. I don't expect them all to sell in a week, I would be happy with just a few - but I want to gradually build my stocks up so that I can work less and have more fun.

As fun goes, I spend the last few hours of Thursday packing for a little trip away with the lads. It's been planned for weeks, and I can't wait to relax and unwind with my favourites, whilst trying to put Conor to the back of my mind. I haven't spoken to him since THAT night, and I am not sure I intend to. He went from arrogant, to angry, to broken. Most likely just as act to try and get me on his side. Well it won't work with me. Joe, Jack, Oli and I will have a fabulous time in our villa together, a Conor free zone.


By 8am on Friday, Joe and I are at the airport waiting for Jack and Oli to arrive. They are cutting it fine, but as our gate is called, Joe gets a text to let them know they are through and heading for the gate. We board, knowing that they aren't far behind and find our seats. Joe was too tight to pay for dedicated seats, so we were all dotted across the plane. I see Jack as I settle into my seat and give him a quick wave and a smile, quickly losing myself in my book.

It feels like we have barely taken off when we are landing again, so I tuck my book and phone safely into my rucksack, ready for the mad rush that is sure to follow. As soon as the seatbelt sign goes off, Joe appears and expertly guides me off the plane, through passport control and towards the baggage carousel.

'Jack and Oli got held up at passport control, I said we would meet them there' Joe shrugs as he grabs both of our cases and heads for the taxi rank.

'That's cool, at least they have made it' I giggle, practically running to keep up with Joe.

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