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Mia's POV

The villa is incredible. Four massive bedrooms, an infinity pool, a hot tub and a kitchen the size of my living room! I dread to think how much this has cost Joe, and decide that I will never ask. I think I would have a heart attack. Joe leaves me in my room to unpack, telling me to meet him in the pool once I am done. I tie my hair up into a messy bun, slip myself into a skimpy bikini and hastily throw my clothes in drawers and toiletries in the bathroom. I don't even bother with shoes, just grab my rucksack and run downstairs. Joe is lounging in the pool on a giant rubber ring filming himself for his vlog, so I make myself comfy on a sun longer. I smother on sun cream, put my sunglasses on and pull my book from my bag. Well I am on holiday after all!

When I lift my head maybe twenty minutes later, Joe is gone. I strain my hearing to try and figure out where he is, suddenly realising I can hear Jack's voice from inside. I put my book down on the lounger, fully intending to come back to it, and decide to tiptoe into the house and sneak up on the lads. The closer I get, the louder I get, and they don't sound particularly happy. I am doing a fabulous job of sneaking up on them, until I slip around a corner and stop dead.

Conor FUCKING Maynard is stood there with Jack, Oli and Joe, looking incredibly pissed off whilst Jack and Joe try and calm him down. Clearly the anger wasn't a front then.

'What's going on?' I virtually shout, abandoning my prank as anger courses through me.

'Surprise?' Jack groans as he steps backwards away from me, probably terrified that I will sock him one.

'Relaxing week away, THAT was what I was fucking promised. So why the fuck is Mr Arrogant Angry Twat here? At MY relaxing holiday in the fucking sun?' I shout, not even caring about the fact that Conor is stood inches away from me and can clearly hear everything I say.

'Oh what and you think I am fucking happy about it? I was ALSO dragged here on false fucking pretences of a lads holiday in the sun, NOT sharing a villa with a psychopathic cunt!'

'Wow. Wow. And everyone said I had got you wrong? NO I got you completely fucking right. Come within ten fucking feet of me and I will knock you out. Fucking got it?!' I turned on my heel and stormed out into the garden, slamming the door behind me for good measure. Way to ruin my fucking holiday!

I practically throw myself onto the sun lounger, pick my book back up and bury my head inside. Nothing can ruin a good book, Arrogant Twat included.

Except he can, because I am so angry that I can't concentrate for more that a page at a time. I give up, throw my book in my bag and stomp back through the villa and up the stairs to my room. No one can bother me in there.

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