7. Hands Raised in Praise

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Ladybird, Wysteria and Beatrice were speechless. A long silence fell over the room occupied only by the purring of Breakfast who had returned inside the house.

Ladybird blinked. "I'm sorry."

"Did your father ever mention anything to you about a secret treasure?" Tennessee asked.

"A treasure?" Ladybird frowned. "No, I mean, he called us three his treasures all the time."

"Well according to what we know your father had a treasure that he hid from hungry eyes. He left a map, clues...the whole thing. I've been trying to find it ever since he died."

"Died is putting it kindly," Beatrice said, "Our father was murdered."

"I know and I am sorry," Tennessee said. "But I have reason to believe that this treasure is the reason for his murder."

Silas looked at the sisters then at his friend. "Maybe this is too much at once, Tenn."

"It's now or never," Tennessee said. "I want to find this treasure; it rightfully belongs to you three." He studied each of them. "Don't you see? This is what your father was killed for. Chances are it could fall into the wrong hands; the hands of the very sort of people who wanted him dead."

The pot in the kitchen hissed and Ladybird got up to see to it. "You'll have to forgive us," she said returning to the room. "We hadn't had dinner."

"I won't keep you," Tennessee said. "I just wanted to show you this." He reached into his bag and pulled out a folded paper. He unfolded it and placed it on the table between them. "This is his map made by his own hand."

Wysteria stared at the map as she scratched behind Breakfast's ear. It was painted in full color and the path went in a sort of circle marked by drawing of trees, mountains and animals along the way. In the right corner was a red X. "You are here?" she said.

"Here in Massachusetts," Tennessee said. "That part I have figured out." He pointed to the next picture in the circle. It was the silhouette of a locomotive. "This means to take the train." He dragged his figure down. "And this here alligator stands for Louisiana but that's where the trail runs cold. I can't figure anything out."

Ladybird looked the map over. The style was definitely her father's hand. "You are here," she read. "How did he know where we would be?"

Tennessee shrugged. "Perhaps he told your mother to come here if anything should happen to him." He sighed. "I know it is hard, but I came to you three in hope of getting more information. Were any of you there the day he...died? Did you hear anything particular?"

Ladybird looked over at her sister. "Wysteria was the only one home at the time," she said.

"I don't remember them saying anything." Wysteria said hugging her cat to her chest. "I never saw the men's faces." She stared down at the floor.

Tennessee checked his watch. "I've overwhelmed you," he said standing. "I'll leave you this map to look at and maybe something will come to mind."

Ladybird stood to show them out. "Did you know my father personally?" she asked Tennessee as she opened the front door for him and Silas.

"You might say that," Tennessee said.

"How?" Ladybird asked. "He never mentioned you."

Tennessee nodded. "Well you can be sure he mentioned you many times," he said. "Good night, miss."

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