17. Encounters with Windstalkers

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Tennessee sat up in the early morning light. He realized very quickly that the train had come to a stop. Glancing over at Beatrice he saw she was still sleeping. He paused to listen to the voices coming from outside the train.

He couldn't hear the familiar sound of the station and figured they must be somewhere down the line.

"Hurry, we haven't checked this one," a voice said from the outside.

"It smells like horses."

Tennessee quickly moved over and shook Beatrice. When she raised her arm in a stretch his yanked. Looking down at his wrist he noticed the chain. "What have you done, what is this?" he demanded.

Beatrice looked down at her wrist. "I wanted to make sure you didn't leave me in the night," She yawned. "Don't worry I have the key."

There was suddenly a loud thud as the lock on the door was broken. Tennessee grabbed his bag and tossed Beatrice hers.

"What's happening?" Beatrice asked and he covered her mouth.

Slowly the door slid open and Tennessee put his hand on his blade. Alone he wasn't sure he could take more than one Windstalker. "Stay behind me."

The door slid open and two men clad in solid white climbed into the car. "Well if it isn't little Tennessee," the taller of the two said. "Where you heading?"

"That information is classified, Alfred," Tennessee said.

Willard looked pass him at Beatrice hiding. "Who's the girl?"

"Don't you two have more important things to do?" Tennessee asked. "You know I don't have anything valuable. I'm just a messenger boy."

"We'll be the judge of that," Alfred said. "Search him, and I'll search the girl."

Beatrice hugged her bag closer to her as the they approached. The train suddenly gave a loud whistle and lurched forward, giving them all a light toss.

Alfred drew his pistol and aimed it at Tennessee. "Pass the girl over!" he demanded.

Tennessee knew what fate awaited them and even if they complied they would not be getting off this train alive. "Do what I say," he whispered to Beatrice. He could at least save her. He grabbed her by the arm and walked her toward the two men.

Alfred grabbed a hold of her and laughed. "Well," he said playing with her hair. "We won't be needing this." With a swing of his arm he pitched Beatrice from the train.

Tennessee tried to grab hold of something but his arm was snatched back and he was yanked into the air.

"What the—" was the last thing he heard from Willard as he was snatched from the train behind Beatrice. They screamed as they plummeted to the earth landing in sand.

Beatrice got to her feet quickly and staggered out of the sand pile spitting it from her mouth. When she felt a pull on her arm she stopped and looked back down at Tennessee who was laying face up splayed.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm dead," Tennessee said.

"You're not dead," Beatrice scoffed. "At least not yet." She turned and looked around the open arid land.

Tennessee sat up shaking sand from his hair, narrowing his eyes at the rising sun. When he raised his arm he remembered the chain. "Hurry up and unchain me," he ordered her.

"You could ask nicely," Beatrice said.

"Why should I?" Tennessee demanded. "I didn't ask to be chained to you in the first place."

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