18. Weeping Eyed Jack

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Rising early the next morning, Ladybird and Wysteria washed up then went down for breakfast. They noticed no sign of the two men from last night and sat with a little more ease having being disturbed of their conversation over throwing people from trains.

Having missed supper last night they both were famished and followed Trish into the dining room. Far different from the rest of the inn the room looked newer and had murals painted on the walls. The floor was still wet from being mopped and the windows had been opened to let in the early warm breeze before it became too hot. After making their plates the two sisters sat down to plan their day.

"I think we should try and cover as much ground today as possible," Ladybird said looking over her map. "This here ring of trees looks like it grows in less harsh conditions. I can't wait to get there." She laughed.

Wysteria smiled and looked around the room. It seemed all the guests were on some mission or another. She couldn't help but wonder what had spurred them and if they were anything like her and Ladybird.

As she looked around the room her eyes fell on the murals. The one on the opposite wall was of an open prairie with a woman hanging laundry. The wall at the main entrance was only painted dark blue but the one opposite it showed a battle between cowboys and Indians. Lastly she looked behind Ladybird and her heart leapt.

"The Joshua tree."

Ladybird looked up from her plate. "Come again?"

Wysteria pointed behind her and Ladybird turned around. "It's the Joshua trees." Raising her hands she matched them to the branches. "It is the same."

Ladybird got up from her seat and went over to the mural. The sky was a perfect blue and her heart swelled at the familiar curl of the clouds. She ran her fingers down the bark of one of the trees and down to the name sighed at the bottom. "A Winters."

"I always found it strange that someone should name a desert painting something like that," Trish said as she came around to refill their teacups.

Ladybird just smiled at her and turned back to the mural. "Another clue." She could almost see her father smiling and winking at her the way he did when she had been clever. They were on their way!


Philemon followed the man through the cabin to a back room. They passed a man sleeping fully dressed, even down to his boots, to keep warm from the cold. As they entered the room a man that sat at the center of an old desk took a cloth and dabbed his left eye.

"What have you brought me?" his hoarse voice asked.

"Philemon Yewtree," the man who had led him there answered.

"Yewtree?" the man at the desk said. "As in the mining company? Well, don't we have a catch." He lit a cigarette. "What can I do for you?"

"I was told that you could track old trails," Philemon said. "My fiancée ran off and I'm looking to find her."

January Frost laughed. "That sounds personal. I'm a treasure hunter...I can't help with your romance."

Philemon felt his anger rising. "I was sent by Elizabeth Winters." At the sound of the name the whole room seemed to ice over as everyone froze. Philemon looked around then continued. "My fiancée is her granddaughter and she belongs to me. I want her back."

"She must be a looker then," January said. "Do you know why she ran off?"

"She went looking for her sister from what I understand," Philemon said. "The stupid girl ran off and they had to send someone after her."

Winters' 3 Dears- The 12: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now