Meet the crew

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I woke up in what seems to be a hospital looking place. Before I could even get up from the table I was laying on, someone pushed me back down "Jou shouldn't get up so quickly kleines Mädchen." A man said with a 'thick' German accent. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me as well.

"U-uh when can I get up?" I asked quite concerned but the German just said "Soon kleines Mädchen, I just gotta make sure jour ok." I looked at him confused and he just kept saying "jou passed out on zhe vay here kleines Mädchen." So I stayed for a few minutes. "Ok kleines Mädchen jou can go now, but Ich would need to take jou to zhe others first." I looked at him confused but he just picked me up and walked to another room which seems to be a living room. "Oh she's awake!" Said a female voice which I was guessing was Miss Pauling "well I gotta go now guys I'll be back in maybe 5 weeks, so take care of her." And with that she left. The German man put me down and went to stand with the other 8 men. Just then I realized that they were the mercs. 'Wow! This is awesome!!!' I thought to myself and before the men could say anything.

"Are you guys the TF2 mercs?" I question. They all looked at me shocked "eerm...ya toots." Said a man who looked like the scout so I was sure they were telling the truth. Luckily they were standing in order. "So your the scout." I point the the man on the far left, then I pointed at the man next to him "your the soldier." Then I did the same thing and continued "your pyro, demoman, heavy, engineer, medic, sniper, and spy." As I finished saying their class names they looked at me even more shock with there mouths open."u-uh y-you guys okay?" I asked. Just then soldier answered "YES LITTLE MAGGOT."I was used to his shouting in the games so his shouting didn't really scare me.

"U-umm 'ow do 'ou know us." Asked who I was pretty sure was spy " How would I not!" I said with excitement "you guys are from my favorite game and I've been such I big fan that I made almost more than 6 posters and play The game almost all the time!" I said quite embarrassed by what I've said but it was true though I really like them.

"Cool toots I would love to see some of your posters of us!" Just when I remember I was working on the 6th poster and the others were in my closet "uh I don't have them because I left them at my house." I sounded a bit upset but I didn't I notice. It was silent for a bit then I asked "why am i here? Where is Miss Pauling going?" They all looked at me a bit concerned because they didn't want to tell me that Miss Pauling was sent to kill my mother.

"U-uh let's not talk 'bout that toots." Scout said then continued "what's your name." "I'm Y/N." Then spy asked "'ow old are 'ou Y/N." "I'm seven." I said the men all looked at me shocked again. "Seven?!" Engie said as I stared to close my eyes, medic noticed and picked me up again. "Vell ve can talk in zhe morning, zhe kleine Frau seems tired." He said "I vell take her to zhe guest room." And with that we left the others.

As medic brought me to the guest room I fell asleep in his arms, he smiled and put me into bed. "Good night Kleiner." He kissed my forehead then left me to sleep.

653 words! See ya next chapter!

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