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Soldier's POV
I had woken up today feeling dizzy from drinking with Demo last night. I got out of bed and got dressed, I then headed to the mess hall but just as I past Y/N's room, I noticed that there was cold air coming from the other side of the door but just ignored it and just continued walking to the mess hall

When I arrived, all the men were there already and they were getting ready to eat, I went over and sat next to Demo who greeted me with a wave and i waved back. Breakfast was over now and i was in the training room until I saw scout rushing in all breathless with Pyro "S-Solider" scout started breathlessly "h-have ya s-seen Y-Y/N anywere?" He ask and I only gave him a simple answer in return "no" he and pyro then looked at me very worried "She hasn't been seen all day Soldier!" Scout shouted at me and I only looked at him confused

"She hasn't came out for breakfast and she wouldn't answer her door! Is she in her room or not!?" Scout shouted out once more "hmm" was all i could say "get the team, we need a talk" I ordered, scout and pyro nodded and left to get the team

Scout's POV
'Oh my god, where is she!?' At this point I couldn't stop questioning myself because my little 'sister' is gone...'ugh, what a great brother I am' I thought to myself while me and pyro gathered the team

We finally got everyone into the Rec room and as we talked we tried to get some information on what might have happened, then sniper spoke "tha last toime I saw tha sheila was aftor we got back forom battle" and then I asked my question once more "Are you guys sure, you haven't seen her all day?" I sound like I was some kind of mad idiot but didn't care as all the men answered


I then looked at them and we just had to think of something

At Blu Base

I slowly woke up in a room and saw my hands chained together 'I'm no prisoner' I thought to myself as I tried to get rid of them but the chains didn't budge one bit, I was doing this nonstop until I heard the door open and looked at the floor not wanting to meet my eyes with who ever that was. They slowly walked towards me and I could hear those footsteps ring threw my ears, I wasn't paying attention until, there was a hand placed on my shoulder so I quickly looked up to the person beside me just to father?

At this point I couldn't believe my eyes or what I was seeing 'my fathers dead! This is just a stranger' I told myself in my head as the blu merc spoke "hello Y/N" he sounded like my father but I didn't care and moved his hand off my shoulder "don't touch me" I said now looking away "oh sweetie, that's now way to greet your father" he said and with that I looked at him shocked "N-no! My fathers dead! He left me!" I yelled as tears started to fall off my cheeks "oh but I'm back" he said with a little chuckle "I thought I'd scare you when I saw you again so, kept my distance" he spoke again with a smirk only causing me to glare at him "You lEft Me! YOU LEFT ME WITH SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTED ME DEAD!" I screamed at him only causing him to frown "that doesn't matter" my father said causing my heart to shatter into pieces "what matters is your my daughter, I found you and now your going to give me the Red Intel so we can be together forever" he continued "oh, so I'm nothing but a toy to you?" I asked with my voice filled with sorrow

"No, but for you to do my deeds I need you to become a Blu first...will you?" He asked raising an eyebrow but at this point I was to upset with him and gave him my answer "No" and with that he looked at me "alright then" he spoke walking towards the door and whispered something to the blu spy and before I could react the spy closed the door walking towards me with his butterfly knife in hand

At Red Base

The men had had enough of it and went over to your room, then knocked on the door, they had been knocking on the door for a minute now and there was no answer so the team barged in threw the door just to find no one in the room, so they decided to search all around the room looking for you or some clues of where you were, it didn't take long until Engie had found a note on your desk and picked it up causing the men to walk towards him, then soldier snatched the paper from Engie and read out loud

"You men are very idiotic, did you think the precious Y/N would stay with you for that long? Will she's gone now! We have her! Her father has her, his daughter who deserves her life with him and not with some men who can't even manage to take care of her. Good luck finding her, but don't worry she'll hate you...she'll hate you all! You will all hate her too! Better prepare for the next thing that happens

Soldier read out loud causing all the men to grow even more worried about you hoping nothing bad had happened to you and then there was a notification  that had popped up on your phone making a noise causing the men to tense up a little, then looked at the phone just to find a video of the blu masked man torturing you

1049 WORDS! Hope this chapter was kinda worth it, anyways I gotta go now. Make sure you guys stay home and wash your hands, see ya next chapter, bye!

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