Miss Pauling

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I have been with the mercs for 5 weeks now and miss Pauling was finally coming back over to check up on how me and the mercs are doing, I am still a bit nervous ofcourse because I am a shy person. tomorrow was miss Pauling's day off so she's going to come sleep over. I was getting dressed into my clothes, the one me and spy bought. After I changed I went over to the mess hall to hear soldier shouting again and I entered, they didn't even notice me. I quickly hid behind the counter as they talked


"Soldier, what has she done to 'ou?"


I felt tears roll down my eyes, I knew soldier said that because it was dangerous for a seven year old girl like me to be in a place full of nine men and in a battlefield. I quickly got up to leave the room, as I got up and got to the door Heavy spotted me.

I saw Y/N with tears in her eyes. She saw me and quickly left without any of the other mercs noticing "Sol-" "IT IS TO DANGEROUS FOR THE LITTLE MAGGOT TO BE HERE" "Sold-" "SHE HAS TO GO EVEN IF WE DON'T WANT HER TO, IT IS TO DANGEROUS FOR HER HERE" "SOLDIER" I screamed at him causing all the eight men to look at me "I think we to loud" "really heavy, that all you gotta say?" I scoffed at scout "I saw Leete Y/N leave....she was crying" they all looked shocked they didn't even notice her in here just like I did

You were now quietly sobbing to yourself knowing that heavy must had told the other mercs  because there was no more shouting. Then there was a knock at the door "are you ahlright there darling?" "Yeah, I'm fine Engie" "can I come in?" "No, it's okay I'm fine" you only heard the door open 'ofcourse! I'm such an idiot! They have the key!' You were now shouting at yourself in your mind. Engie came in "sorry ahbout what you heard darling, the battlefield is not made for ah little darlin' like you" you smiled weakly at him and looked back at your lap ashamed because it was your fault all this happened "breakfast is almost finished darlin' I will see you there" and with that he left, he left the keys on the bed on accident so you took them not giving it back to him and hid them under the bed

It was already breakfast and you weren't out there, you were still finishing the posters and didn't have time to eat as you finished and thought 'how can I give this to them without them making me eat?' You thought for  a while until 'oh wait they have training at 1:00 pm' it was about time, you waited a bit longer until it was time. Now they were in the training room you got to print out the posters and put them in each mercs room, as you finished scouts you went over to spy's smoking room to put his on his table, you got in and put it down on the table, you were about to walk out when. Someone picked you up, you then released that you spent to much time finding the rooms and putting down the right posters that training was already over, you gulped as you already knew who was holding you. He then turned you around and yep you were right it was spy looking at you with a smirk "ees zhat for me Y/N?" You only nodded back as your response as he looked at the poster "I look very handsome Y/N" you smiled and hugged him tightly as he returned the hug "now Y/N I zee 'ou 'aven't eaten anything yet" you then released 'OMG Y/N!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE NOT TAKEN SO LONG ON THE SORTING AND LOOKING FOR THE ROOMS' you were screaming at yourself in your mind now as spy gave you a kiss on the forehead "eet ees not good to zkip meals Y/N" he then carried you over to the mess hall and cooked something for you to eat

He finished and gave you the plate "zo, 'ou must 'ave 'eard what happened zhis morning, oui?" You nodded back and continued to eat "well, zcene miss Pauling ees coming today 'e well talk to her" as you continued eating "but what soldier said...." you said trailing off "he is right spy....a little seven year old girl like me is not made for the battlefield....I'm not strong enough..." I'm zure 'ou are ztrong enough Y/N, now eat up" you then continued to eat as spy was by your side making sure that you did

Miss Pauling came over after you finished eating and asked her to take you to the store and she was more than happy to

me and miss Pauling came back from shopping and as we brought the grocery inside the base I saw everyone in the living room watching a movie "No one come in the kitchen I'ma be making something" they all smiled at me and nodded back, ofcourse me being a seven year old I was short so then I had miss Pauling help me as I taught her how to make the food. We were half way done when me and miss Pauling heard the mercs talking "what do ya think the toots is making?" Scout said excitedly "I don't know but it zmells very gutt" medic replied, the whole kitchen had a very good smell of noddle soup. As me and miss Pauling finished I told her "go tell the mercs to go wait at the tables while I finish with putting the sauces in, oh and go wait as well please" she nodded and left as I finally finished

I brought out the soup and gave each one of them a smile, they all looked at me "vhat is zhis called frau?" Medic questioned "it's called pho,

it is a type of Vietnamese noddle soup and it is very good, trust me you'll love it!" I said back, he happily smiled and each one of them took a bite of pho "This is even betta than tha burrito, sheila""Oui, zhis ees very good""(Happy pyro noises)...

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it is a type of Vietnamese noddle soup and it is very good, trust me you'll love it!" I said back, he happily smiled and each one of them took a bite of pho
"This is even betta than tha burrito, sheila"
"Oui, zhis ees very good"
"(Happy pyro noises)"
"Aye, the lass is very good"
"Leetle Y/N is better than heavy"
"Yo toots you gotta make this more often I love it!" (Wich everyone agreed to)
"Wow, frau zhis is gutt. Ich liebe es"
" this tastes very good darling"
"Wow Y/N, I really like it!"

Everyone complimented as I smiled and chuckled back at them. When we finished eating I offered to wash the dishes because the mercs had a meeting with miss Pauling and I didn't want any of them to miss it. It was time for bed now so I quickly finished the rest of the dishes and went to bed. Miss Pauling told me she'd be sleeping in my room too. I quickly changed into a big baggy (f/c)  T-shirt and went to bed

1280 Words! Hope you guys like it and have you ever had Pho before? because I've had and if you haven't you should try it, it's very good! But anyway I'll cya next chapter!

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