"Say Goodbye~"

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It was another battle today and you were with engie, as you worked you've noticed the blus coming closer to you every time they see you but end up dying before they reached you.

You were helping pyro defend engie's sentry and dispenser, you have noticed the man that you had killed the last battle. You watch as he worked and he was actually pretty good, you tried to shoot him about once or twice but missed the shots completely because he was moving a lot and you were a bit too far away. You and pyro were waiting for engie to get back from placing his other teleporter and he took a while so you and pyro just decided to wait until he came back

Battle was almost over now and you were looking for more ammo and health kits, you were checking every corner carefully so you wouldn't get killed and then 'BAMM!' You were back at the respon room, you ran out the door and went back into the bloody battlefield. The whole team had died now and you were only left with the doctor. Medic was looking for his teammates until he saw you shooting down the blu demo, he ran towards you and started to heal you "thanks doc" you said as you guys went on and killed more blus. You were fighting the scout until he called for soldier's help and medic übered you as you guys fought. The others had finally found you guys and scout had already returned the blu Intel to the base which ment you guys had won this battle. As all the men cheered you cheered along with them

You looked over to your right to find a blu merc standing there looking right at you making you feel uncomfortable and quickly pulled out your pistol and shot him right threw the head and he fell down with a thud. You and the team were finally back at the base now and as you ate, you weren't paying attention to your teammates because you were more focused on the blu merc that had been starting at you earlier, not noticing the scout calling your name until spy tapped your shoulder causing you to tense up and look at your teammates with an awkward look on your face "are ya okay there toots? you were ah zoomed out for a bit there" scout asked kinda concerned but you only gave him a plain answer "M fine scout, just tired" you lied as you put your plate in the sink and walked off to your room but before you could have even left the mess hall scout stopped you at the door "there's somethin' wong, your not yaself toots" he said bending down to your height as the other men also looked you "I was just...thinking about....that other blu merc..." you said looking down at the floor a bit ashamed as heavy spoke up "what leetle baby man is leetle Y/N talking about?" "Umm...the captain.." you answered and your teammates looked at you with sadness in their eyes "we love ya Y/N, and that'll neva change...that bastard was a fool to leave ya" scout said and pulled you into his embrace "yeah, I know scout" you answered then pulled away "I just...miss my dad" you spoke again as all the sad looks turned into worry looks "I'm just....I'ma go to bed now" you said plainly and walked off to your room, as you walked threw the hallway you thought you saw a shadow but ignored it thinking it was your shadow, you finally arrived at your room and went over to your desk looking at your dad's hat

'I miss you...dad' you thought to yourself, you had just then noticed that your window was open and went over to close it. You went over to the bed and started cleaning your pistols until you felt some kind of wind rush past you but you brushed it off thinking it was just your imagination. You finished cleaning your pistols and were about to put them away until there was a knock at your door, you went over to open it and saw that there was no one standing there, you shuged it off thinking scout was pranking you again. You closed the door and went back to putting the pistols away. Looking up you heard a uncloaked sound behind you, turning around you met eye to eye with the blu spy as he grinned widely and insanely at you, he started walking forward and you couldn't get your pistols because they were behind you. As you looked at his hand you noticed that he had a knife in his hand ready to attack you and before you knew it he already had a strong grip on your arm, you tried pulling away but it didn't work so you kick him in the stomach and he let go of you holding his stomach and growled in pain then smirked insanely and charged towards you, you had managed to dodge him once or twice until he had a strong grip on your arm again, you tried to kick him again only for your foot to be caught by his other hand

He quickly spun you around and put a mask over your face causing you to feel tired and slowly drifting off to sleep and before you had fallen asleep you heard the mask man behind you say "say goodbye~" and with that you fell asleep

982 WORDS! Hi guys a quick update on things, I have some school projects that need to be done and I lose my internet randomly too but anyways make sure you guys wash your hands and stay safe, anyway I'll see you guys next chapter, bai!

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