Getting to know the Spy

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I woke up in bed not feeling like eating breakfast. I quickly changed out of my clothes and into new ones, when I finished I went over the the computer to start working on my posters. It has pasted breakfast and the mercs were starting to grow concerned because I was usually in the mess hall for breakfast but not this time. Spy waited for another hour or two and he was already sure I wasn't coming out to eat, a few minutes later there was a knock at my door. I went to open it and there he was standing there was spy "um how may I help you?" "Ma petite fille 'ou haven't came out to eat yet" he sounded concerned for some reason "zo I 'rought 'ou some food" he handed me the plate "thank you spy" I was about to shut the door when "want 'o spend zome time with me today ma petite fille" "sure!" I answered back as I let him in 'my' room. He took a glance at the computer while walking to sit down on the bed as I was sitting at the chair with my desktop"wow ma petite fille, ees zhis why 'ou were not at breakfzast?" "No, it's not that. I just didn't feel hungry" "will ma petite fille, eet ees not healthy to not eat anything" I only gave back a shrug as an answer

"Why don't we go shopping for some clothes for 'ou" "okay!" "After 'ou finished 'our food" he said back with a smirk. I quickly ate my breakfast and went back into the computer to finish some details. After I finished the (R/C) (Red class) I turned off the computer and left to the bathroom to get ready, I only brushed my hair a bit more and got my shoes, I came out of the bathroom and walked over to spy, who was lighting another cigarette. We soon left and he took me to the mall " okay ma petite fille, let's go" as I got out of the car I just realized that we were at the mall, me and spy walked from the parking lot to the mall in slice. After I picked out my outfits we went to pay for them, he was quite shocked that I didn't get anything to fancy but casual clothes, we went to the park after we bought the clothes and decided to tell some stories and puns ofcourse I did make him chuckle from time to time but at least we were having a good time

"'ou know ma petite fille, eet ees not safe to play with zhe knives" he teased, he was showing me his knifes but wouldn't let me hold them and like yesterday I shot a playful glare at him and he only chuckled in response. We got bored for a while and talked to each other about ourselves and like always when it was my trun I didn't even know what to do anymore because I thought that I had already told enough people about my past story "ma petite fille, I 'ould love eet if 'ou told me more about 'our self" he was a spy so ofcourse I wouldn't be able to lie to him because he'd find out the truth anyway "okay dad past away when I was 4....because it was my fault..." I said making it short "'ow was eet 'our fault Y/N?" "*sigh* and my dad thought it would be fun to play...tag...on the way home........we crossed the street...and he saved my l-life" I said fighting back all my tears "ma petite fille if eet isn't to much to ask what happened to 'ou when 'ou lost 'our dad?" "*sigh* s-she abused me....she would cut, beat, and burn me.........." at this point spy didn't need to hear anymore or he would be even more pissed after hearing that.

It was getting dark too so we both decided to head back to the base. When we got back I was already asleep, spy gladly carried me back to 'my' room and put me to bed

as I put Y/N back to bed I was thinking back to what she said earlier. 'Why would anyone more heartless than me do such a thing to such a small beautiful girl!?' I thought to myself kinda getting a bit pissed off, I met up with the other two support classes and I told them about my day with Y/N "so the sheila almost cried" sniper said "oui" I only answered 'yes' back to him "and now zhe frau is asleep now, ja?" I just shrugged at medics question so we decided to go check up on Y/N when we got to her room medic opened the door slightly enough for us to see her, when looked in she wasn't asleep, she was at the desk writing something on a piece of paper

As we watched we saw her threw it away with a annoyed groan, we closed the door a bit more so she wouldn't see us, we watch as she went over to her bed and lift up her sleeves from her pants, we looked at her leg and oh my god what we saw made our hearts shatter

957 WORDS! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though I didn't really know what to write because of short memorie but if you guys do have any other ideas please send them to me because I am struggling a little bit but besides that I will see you guys next chapter!

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