First Battle

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You were with the mercs for 3 months now and today was your first battle. You were getting ready and loading your pistols as you and your team waited for the battle to start "are jou vready, frau?" Medic asked as he came over to you "y-yea, just...kinda nervous" you replied with a small smile "don't vorry frau, jou'll be vith mich today ast ve fight" he said with a smile to match yours


As I ran across the map I saw the blu spy as he was about to backstab sniper, I quickly shot him and he fell down crying out in pain, sniper quickly turned around to face me "thanks, sheila" he said tipping his hat "no problem" I answered as I ran back to medic and he went back to sniping.

I was helping medic heal some of the teammates, I ran for a health pack that was on the floor, then left a pain through my stomach and fell on the floor screaming in pain now realizing that the blu sniper has shot me and I had dropped the health kit somewhere, medic ran over as fast as he could "Y/N!" he yelled as I was closing my eyes "it's okay, frau I've got jou" he said trying to calm me down while healing me at the same time, I saw as my wound healed right away and without thinking a launched at him hugging him tightly letting him hug back, thinking he must have noticed that I was kinda shivering from the fact that I got shot

I let go of medic and looked back at the blu sniper and he was fighting spy, I quickly grabbed my pistol and shot him right in the head sending him to respon, then heavy called "DOKTOR" medic looked at me "come on, frau let's go" he said as we left to where the heavy was

Battle was almost over now and I was running around the map looking for more ammo and health packs also making sure that medic was around. "Red wins!" The Administrator announced and the team cheered running into the Blu base to kill some of the blus remaining, I ran in with scout and we shot many blus until I saw a blu looking at me and I felt uncomfortable and shot him, looking at him as he fell on the floor crying out in pain "nice shot, toots" scout said looking down at me "h-huh? O-oh umm, thanks" I answered "ya okay there darling" said engie looking at me a crossed from scout "y-yeap just t-tired" I replied quickly walked away feeling their eyes gazing at me as I walked away not looking back at them thinking to myself

'Why was I stuttering' I almost yelled at myself remembering the man I shot, his cry was kinda like my dads but brushed it off because their are a lot of people who has the same voice. Walking back to the base I noticed most of the men were looking at me and I tried to get their gazes off me as I walked, I found medic and heavy so I went over to them and chatted with them on the way back in still feeling the other gazes on me

I was in my room cleaning my pistols until there was a knock at my door, I went over to open it and saw scout with engie looking down at me almost worried, the silence broke after engie spoke "ya okay there, darling? You were umm, stuttering earlier" and scout only nodded as an agreement with him as the both looked at me "I uh, I'm just not feeling myself" I said thinking that was the stupidest lie I have ever said "if ya say so toots, we'll be celebrating so com'on" scout said smiling a bit as I walked out of my room closing the door behind me "sure!" I answered with a smile that melted both of their hearts

We arrived at the Rec room and the others were already there having fun, as soon as they noticed me they all came over bending down in front of me

"Thoank 'ou, for killing tha spoi, sheila"

"Oui, zhank you for killing zhe sniper, mon mignon petit lapin"

"Yes, heavy ees happy for leetle girl, thank you"

"Thanks for tha ammo, darlin'"

"Thanks for helping me get a health pack, toots"

"Im hmmpm ymmmumm hmmrmm (I'm happy your here: pyro)

"Thank you, lass"


"zhank jou, for helping mich today, frau"

"You guys are welcome" I said with my cute smile making the team's heart's melt "let's party, shall we?" I asked and they all nodded. It was almost midnight now and I looked over at medic, demo, scout, soldier, and engie who were drunk from all the alcohol they had and the only ones who weren't drunk was Heavy, spy, pyro, and sniper. I was having a lot of fun not noticing it was nearly midnight, I looked at the demo who was already passed out from all the alcohol he had then back at some of the other's as I chatted with heavy about today's battle "heavy saw leetle girl, vrunning away from baby man" heavy said with a smirk causing me to giggle a bit "yeah, I had too...what else could I have done?" I replied "leetle girl, no fear men, heavy is leetle Y/N's protector" he said sounding a bit proud of himself causing me to giggle again

It was midnight now and heavy has already left to his room, I looked over at spy who was reading a piece of paper and grinned widely then went over to sniper and pyro tell them something, I didn't think to much about it so I just went over to them "hey guys..I'ma go to bed now see you guys in the morning" I said as I walked out of the Rec room and into my room. I quickly changed into my pjs and sat on my bed thinking about my father 'he wouldn't be my enemy....right?'

1070 WORDS! Make sure you guys stay home and wash your hands with soap, but anyway I'll see you guys next chapter, byee!

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