Getting to know the Scout

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Y/N pov
I woke up and got ready to change I went to the closet next to a desktop with a computer and pins on it. I pulled out a (F/C) sweater and wore it, I left the room and went to explore but before I could have even gotten to go explore Spy came out of his smoking room. "Oh bonjour, Y/N." "hello spy." I said while giving him a small wave "are 'ou hungry?" To be honest I didn't know I was that hungry till he mentioned it, "yeah a little bit I guess." Then we left to another room wich I was pretty sure was the 'mess hall', I followed spy into the room.

"Morning toots"
"Morning shelia"
"Gumm Mummg"
" Good morning darling"
" Good morning leetle girl"
"Morning lass"
" Gutt morning  unser kleines Mädchen."

They all said at the same time "Morning  guys" I said as I was taking a seat next to scout. After breakfast scout asked me " you wanna spend time with me today toots?" "Sure!" I said excitedly as we were walking outside "wanna learn how ta play baseball?" He asked "Sure I'd love to!" We spent a few hours on helping me learn the rules and how to play "come on Y/N let's go get ya something ta eat" "ok" as I followed him into the 'Mess hall' to grab something to eat. As we finished our lunch scout asked

"You wanna talk after we finish our food?" I sat there for a few seconds until I answered "U-um sure" when we finally finished our food we went outside again and started talking about random stuff. We laughed, joked, and talked some more "so toots tell me about your life so far how was it?" He asked he sounded quite nervous but I still answered "well I had a perfect family it was just me, my mom, and dad. Everything was great until..." I had tears that started to form at the corner of my eyes but luckily scout didn't notice "until?" Scout questioned "until a day were me, my mom, and dad were having fun at a park...we were heading home because it was getting dark, so me and my dad thought it would be fun to play tag on the way home...I wasn't paying attention to the road because I was having dad pushed me away...and....a car hit him causing him to pass away.... then my mom started to abuse me...she would cut me, burn me, and beat me... and say "You were a mistake to this family and I hope you will die sooner than me" but I knew that my dad wouldn't want that so I am just living for...him." at this point I was crying, scout pulled me close to him and said "I could be your family...all of us can" I was still crying but smiled at him and hugged his torso tight while he was patting my back "don't tell anyone okay?" "Mk toots" we sat there till it was night time. Scout looked down at me and I was already asleep.

Scout's pov
Ah shes asleep, she looked so peaceful and cute. I carry her back inside the base and the whole team was standing there looking at us, Spy and Medic noticed the tears on her face and waited for me to put her to bed. I put her in bed and left.

Spy and Medic came up soon after and Spy asked me "why did 'he have tear saints on 'her face." "Something I can't tell you spy" I said as I was leaving, Medic pulled me back by my shoulder and questioned "Vhy?" "Because the toots told me not to tell anyone." and with that I left them there and went to my room and got ready for bed.

673 WORDS! sorry if I didn't do to well but anyway see you guys next chapter!

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