The Truth

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I woke up in my bed and falling asleep once again not realizing that miss Pauling would be back today. I woke up, not to long later and got dressed, then there was a knock at my door. I went over and opened it "Hello, Y/N" miss Pauling said and continued "I'm here to pick you up so you can go back home and pack your stuff" she said as she smiled "ok, but let me eat first" I replied as I walked over to the mess hall with her. I finished my breakfast and washed my dish, I quickly got in the car with miss Pauling and we drove off

We finally arrived at my house and I went to knock on the door "your mom's not here Y/N, she left" miss Pauling said lying about the last part of the sentence so I wouldn't know she killed my mom

I shrugged in response and miss Pauling put the key in the doorknob and opened the door as I went inside and started to pack my stuff and everything I needed. It might had been weird that I had a phone but I stole the phone from my dad after he passed. I finally finished packing my stuff and miss Pauling helped me carry it to the car

We finally arrived at the bases and miss Pauling told me not to go into the Rec room and to unpack my stuff, I did as she said as she helped me while my teammates were in the Rec room for a discussion. We soon finished unpacking and put my stuff in place, I looked over at miss Pauling "okay, so Y/N I'll need to tell you what to do for your class" I nodded back at her as she helped me understand the concept as a scavenger. I was only able to pick up health and ammo packs for my team and ofcourse I was also allowed to help the team with check points, Intel, and cart but I will mostly have to focus on what my class was supposed to do.

I finally understood what she ment and started thinking about how I could dodge the Blus from kill me, I looked over to miss Pauling who was now heading out of my room " I gotta go, I've got work to do....oh and don't go into the Rec room until tomorrow because your teammates are discussing about how to win the next battle" she said as she left. Not long after she left I felt hungry and decided to go grab one of heavy's sandvich and hoping that he wouldn't mind

I was walking back to my room after I ate and had some (F/d), I walked past the Rec room and heard some talking as to me being a nosy little girl I went over to the door and pressed my ear against it "und how are ve supposed to tell her vithout her crying" medic said then spy answered "I don't know doctor, but Y/N ees not going to be 'appy"  They were talking about me, without hesitation I opened the door and went inside the room as all the men noticed and looked at me shocked "darling?! I thought you weren't supposed to be in here!" Engineer exclaimed and the others dumbfounded as well as I looked at them "why were you guys talking about me?" I questioned not in the mood to hear any excuses, the men seemed to notice this and knew that I needed the truth

"Vell, ve haff a document of jou" medic said as I looked at them shocked and lost for words "yeah, well you see toots....we need you to tell us something " scout said as I looked at him confused "we need ya ta tell us the did your dad pass..." scout continued " I already told you guys the truth...I lost my dad to a car accident..." I answered as tears now started to form in my eyes some mercs looked at me shocked because they didn't know this, I quickly grabbed the documents out of medic's grip and looked at it, it had a picture of my dad, I snatched the picture and held it tightly in one of my hands "why do you guys have this?" I asked looking at them "miss Pauling gave it to us darlin'" engie replied, I looked at him with my tear filled eyes "my none of your business" I said as medic carried me to my room I looked at him as he looked back with a warm smile

"I could have came myself" I said "vell...I vanted to talk to jou" he said as we reached my room. He sat me on my bed and closed the door "so, what did you want to talk to me about" I asked "vell, jou see frau. A few veeks ago miss  Pauling vast sent to kill jour mother. Miss Pauling told us not to tell jou because jou would be mad at us but zhat's not zhe point...zhe point is...Are jou vrelated to grey mann or  shaxton hale by zome point?" I looked at him upset "I-I'm related to....Saxton hale...he's my uncle but grey mann...was my dads best friend" I said as medic looked at me shocked "vhy didn't jou tell us zhis?" He asked a little hurt "I didn't know you needed to know any of this" I said as I looked at him in his grey/blue eyes, he seemed distracted so I looked at the direction he was looking at

He was looking at my desk, it had a blue captions hat then looked back at me "jour father vouldn't be happening to be (Y/D/N) (your dad's name) vrigth?"
"H-how do you know his name?" I asked as I almost exclaimed but he only looked at me with sadness in his eyes "jour dad leads zhe blus, frau" " he doesn't! Does he?" "Jou tell mich frau, has he ever left jou vith jour mom for a month or so before?" "Yes...he has" "well zhen, jour dad is a blu merc..I'm zorry frau" he said "I'll let jou go sleep now" and with that he left and that night I couldn't fall asleep

"What happened back there doc?" Scout asked medic as he entered the Rec room "zhe bastard is zhe Hasen's father " he answered as he walked back to his seat

1144 WORDS! not as much as before but oh well anyway hope you guys are enjoying this so far, make sure to stay home and wash your hands (24/7) but anyway I'll see ya next chapter!

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