The Rescue

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It has been the day after tomorrow and today was the day your teammates will come save you, they had already packed everything up and was heading to the blu base

'Ugh my whole body hurts' I thought to myself waking up from my sleep, I looked around the room and there was blood everywhere just then i noticed how much blood i had lost 'how am i still alive?' I asked myself as the door opened "hallo, Y/N" I heard and realized that it was the blu German doctor coming in, closing the door behind him he spoke "are jou alright?" He asked coming towards me and I only looked up at him with an angry face

"D-Does I-it lo-loo-look l-ik-e i-m o-k-ay?" I replied and he only looked down at me with a warm smile which made me cringe at the sight then he took out a needle "here..." he said holding my arm "zhis vill help" and he put the needle into my arm causing some tears to form and drop out "zhis should heal jou and givt jou more blood" he said and took out the needle, letting go of my arm "w-wh-y a-re y-ou h-h-el-p-pi-pin-g m-e?" I asked only causing him to look at me with a grin "zhis vill let jou live longer ofcourse" he replied with a chuckle, then left as I started at the door in fear of when the spy was going to come in

The mercs on the Red team have been moving slowly and just incase that the blus might respon they had pyro, engie, and demo watch the spawn point while the others where looking for you. The reds and blus were fighting each other off now and you were still stuck in the room helplessly with nothing to do but listen to the fighting going on, just then someone opened up the door and burst in causing you too look up with a yelp in suprises only to find the Red Spy and Scout looking down at you in horror.

Spy and Scout ran towards you and scout picked you up, placing you on his back while spy helped "'ou two go, I 'ill cover 'ou" spy said to scout and with that scout nodded and ran out the door looking for the exit while spy was behind. you slowly looked up at your teammates and saw them fighting off the blus but now they were running out of ammo and were struggling to fight. Spy had to go help medic so he had left you and scout.

Scout was so worried he forgot where the exit was, he looked around for a bit until you both ran into the blu spy. The blu masked man pulled out his butterfly knife and striked at scout giving the poor boy a scar to the chest, scout fell down and dropped his weapon and was going to grab it when the blu masked man stabbed his hand, causing scout to cry out in pain. This was Spy's chance, he grabbed you by the shirt and ran off leaving your teammate bleed out and before both of you left you screamed out "MEDIC" making the spy to hit your head with the butt of his gun making you pass out

Medic came running over to your call only to find the scout bleeding out, he quickly grabbed his medgun and started to heal scout while the blu Soldier was behind them about to shoot his rocket launcher only to get headshoted by Sniper. The blu spy had brought you into the respon room and threw you at a corner causing you to wake up and spy shot a glare at you before running off to join the fight and just then you heard your team's demo calling for you but you were to weak to answer so you just sat in the corner in horror seeing the blus respon and run out the respon door to fight

You teams spy was looking for you and he had checked everywhere but he couldn't find you until he realized he had forgotten about the respon room. He quickly snuck his way in without being caught and looked around before finally spotting you in a corner and ran over to you "GENTLEMEN, IN 'ERE" he screamed out which had caught your teams attention and ran to the respon room seeing you in such a horrible state making pyro cry and look away so he would stop his tears. At this point the respon was turned off and most of the blus had already died

Medic's medgun had broke a few minutes ago so he quickly grabbed you a health kit from the locker to help you regain your strength and just then there was a laughter coming from outside of respon which caused you and your teammates to look at the man but when your eyes layed on him, It was your father who wasn't dead yet. You stood up and walked to the door of respon before looking behind your shoulder and saying "I'm sorry" and pressed a button locking your teammates inside while you were outside and was faced to face with your own father

931 WORDS! this book is almost  over just probably two or three more chapters until it ends, but anyway I'll see ya next chapter, bai!

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