Battle Day

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I woke up exhausted so I'm assuming I passed out from not sleeping all night. I went over to my closet and changed into my (F/c) shirt with roses on them, a cap, and a pair of black jeans. I walked to the mess hall, I woke after everyone so they should already be there but when I got there, there was no one so I just thought they went back to their places and decided to grab a sandvich

Medic was doing an uber push while heavy was shooting down the blus. Sniper was in his tower looking down at the blu medic through his scope preparing for a headshot not paying attention to the blu spy who had uncloaked behind him. Demo was setting traps and stayed with engie. Soldier was rock jumping to the other base and scout was running for the blu Intel while Pyro was chasing the blu scout, medic, and heavy with his flamethrower.

You finally finished your breakfast and decided to go look for your teammates.
You looked everywhere now and couldn't find any of them so you decided to go check outside. You went outside and saw that they were having a battle, you being you ofcourse went inside to grab your pistols and change into your uniform

You finished putting on your uniform and went out with your pistols. When you got outside you started to do your job as how you were supposed to without training. Luckily for today's battle you didn't die and that was a good thing because you didn't get your response chip yet. You ran across the field when suddenly, you bumped into the blu spy, he looked down at you and grinned widely as he saw your class symbol assuming that you were also a mercenary so he pulled out his butterfly knife and held your back up against him as he placed the knife up to your neck

He was about to kill you, when...Sniper headshoted him and came running over to you as fast as he could "what are you doing out 'ere sheila?! You could have been killed boyi that spoi!" He practically shouted at you causing you to flinch, medic was running past until he saw you, you were with sniper but had a scratch on your neck, he rushed over to you "Vhy are jou out here frau!? Jou should be inzide!" Medic also shouted at you causing you to flinch once more and almost tripping "I..." you were about to say something until scout being him ran up to you and without hesitation he picked you up and ran back inside as fast as he could go

"Stay here Y/N. And don't leave" he said as he left you there

The battle finally ended and you were in your room listening to (Y/F/S) (your favorite song) as you closed your eyes resting on your bed. Not caring if medic was knocking at your door or not. He finally had enough of it and barged into your room but you forgot to lock your door as you saw his hand on the doorknob "Y/N, jou need to ztop hiding und come out to eat" he practically said "I'm not hungry" was all you said causing him to grow worried "please frau, jou veren't at lunch eizher" you looked up at him "how do you know that" you asked "Y/N me and zhe team vast out in battle for zhe whole day und zhere vasn't anyzhing to eat for lunch" "fine" you answered as you followed him into the mess hall

I entered the mess hall with medic and felt all eighteen eyes on me as I sat down next to Demo and Engie while medic sat right in front of me. I ate Silently while my teammates were chatting about the battle and who would stay at the base for next battle with me but they won today's battle and didn't want me to be in the Rec room because they were gonna party in there. I finished my plate of food and offered to do the dishes for the men.

I finished washing the dishes and walked to my bedroom putting my headphones in once again while I locked my door thinking about how I would train myself harder so the blus wouldn't kill me but spy because he could cloak and kill me anytime. I closed my eyes and started to think about my dad and how proud of me he would be.

Engie's POV
I thought letting her do the dishes will make her tired enough so she would fall asleep instantly once she gets back to her room, but as I past her room to the Rec room I thought I heard music, but I brushed it off because she should be sleeping by now and I was probably just hearing things because I was sure I even told her to go to bed as well

I finally reached the Rec room and was greeted by demo "heya lads" "hi demo" I replied back to him, then looked over to scout as he was turning on the speakers with loud music but ofcourse only loud enough for us to hear so we wouldn't wake up our darling.

The party was over now and I was chatting with sniper about today's battle "why did she come ahout here anyway?" "Oi don't know mate, but that backstabbing spoi could hoave killed 'er" sniper replied to me as we talked on about what we were gonna do next battle and how to keep Y/N out of it

1005 WORDS! I'm now running out of ideas ;w; forgive me for that because I don't have such good memorie so yeah.... stay home, wash your hands before eating or after using the bathroom, anything like that. But anyway besides that I'll see you guys next chapter, Baiiii!

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