The Blu Father

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At The Blu Base

I was in my room cleaning my weapons until there was a knock at my door, I went over to open it and standing there was Spy. I let him in and asked him what he needed "'ou have a daughter, oui?" "Yeah, why do you wanna know about her?" "Mon ami, I saw a little girl on zhe battlefield yesterday and she looked like zhe girl in zhat picture 'ou zhowed us" I looked at him confused because I remember that time when I woke up in medic's lab after the car accident and I decided I shouldn't go back home "I'd doubt there is a little girl on the other team" I said looking at him "'ou might not believe me mon ami, but I am zure zhere is a zeven 'ear old girl on zhe ozher team" "you believe all you want, but I'd appreciate it if you leave now" spy got up and walk out of my room as I closed the door behind him looking at the picture of my daughter in a frame "ah....I hope what spy said isn't true" I mumble out as I went back to cleaning my weapons.

At The Red Base

"You can't catch me!" I shouted as I ran from soldier, I had put some glitter on his rocket launcher making it hard to clean off all the sparkls. I ran as fast as I could as engie, scout, pyro, and demo laughed at us

I ran in circles around inside the base for maybe about 30 minutes now as I got tired. I finally stopped running and just before I could make another move I was being picked up. I looked up the see who it was and if there was anyone It would be it was soldier, he looked at me with an evil smirk and simply said "I've got you maggot" and before I could make another move or say anything he started tickling me "S-solDieR hahaha s-s-sToPpPp hahahaha"

After a few minutes or so he finally let me go and I finally started to catch my breath again "hah, learned your lesson yet?" "Nope!" I answered him as I crossed my arms in a sassy way shooting him a playful glare "alright then" he said simply as he started tickling me again "Soldierrrr hahaha s-stOppP hahahaha I-Im s-s-sorry hahahahaha" he finally stopped and let me down, then started walking back to his room to clean his rocket launcher, just then Engie walked over to me and bend down to my height "you best go help ahout soldier over there" I nodded and ran towards soldier's room, when I got there I didn't see him so I decided to go to the mess hall and he still wasn't there, I went over to the Rec room and he still wasn't there, I checked the training room and he wasn't there also 

I finally gave up and went to my room, when I got there I saw soldier with something in his hands "uh, soldier?" He quickly turned around to look at me as I noticed he had my pistols in one of  his hands and some glitter in the other "how dare you!" I shouted and tackled him causing both of us to fall on the floor as we laughed

He looked over at my desk and looked back at me shocked "why do you have a blu captain's hat?" He asked "uh, yeah?..." the American just started at me still shocked not knowing what to say "umm, you okay?" I asked trying to break the silence "yes I am maggot! I need to go now!" And with that he left 'hmm I'm kinda hungry, I'ma go get something to eat' I thought to myself as I walked to the mess hall

I was cooking some (f/f) because for me it was easy to make, I quickly finished and ate my food. When I finished I did the dishes like how I always do, I walked past the Rec room and heard some talking so I decided to be nosy and go listen to what they were talking about. I opened the door quietly and slipped in so my team wouldn't notice me, I hid beside one of the lockers and listened carefully "'er father ees a blu merc, soldier" "yes, I know, but do we give her back to him!?" "Ofcourse not soldier, tha toots wouldn't like it and plus she's a RED merc just like us" scout said plainly to soldier, I listened carefully not realizing that I was falling asleep from all this talking

"Is best if leetle girl is with team" heavy said "I agree with zthe lad, Y/N does not look like she'll even wanna see 'er dad" demo spoke from out of nowhere, just then pyro spoke "thmmm grmm huvmms tmm stmmm!(the girl haves to stay!)" He said it without hesitation "Oi know tha sheila wouldn't be hapopy but she does look loike she'll kill us if we do anything more" "I agree vith sniper, ve'll just keept her training until ve find more about her father" medic added to snipers reply, then spy spoke "Zhe lapine ees going to train until w 'e find more about 'er scumbag père" the others nodded in agreement

But like always I was gonna say something until I thought I was not going to interrupt their 'meeting' and I also thought to myself 'if my father does lead the blus....does that mean....he's alive?!' I would have went over to the team but now they were talking about something else and I decided I should leave, on my way out I slammed the door making all the men jump and look over at the door

Scout's POV
'Y/N heard us! Oh my god, she heard us!' I couldn't get out of my head now because she had heard us, I looked over at the team and simply said "I'ma go check on my Little sista" and walked out of the Rec room to Y/N's room, but when I arrived though I looked in her room and she wasn't there

Sniper's POV
I was walking up to the rooftop because it was a good night to look at the stars, however when I got there though, there was already someone up here before me. I went over and before I could even reach them I saw a small form so I am assuming it was Y/N and I was right, I went over and sat next the to her and she seemed a bit down "you okay there, sheila?" I asked, she looked at me then replied "yeah, I'm alright...I just miss my dad..." I thought I heard a hint of sadness in her voice so i pulled her in for a hug "sorry, for shouting at ya yesterday" I said looking down at her just in time to catch her sleeping form

1208 WORDS! Okay so I'm kinda lagging behind now so plz forgive me for that but anyway cya next chapter!

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