Ceasefire Day

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You woke up in sniper's van and sat up on the bed looking around his van, checking out all the stuff in there just before you realized that the mercs were training. You got up from the bed and opened the door to find sniper and spy chatting beside the camper. You looked over at them as you walked out of the camper "morning sheila, ya fell asleep on me yestorday" sniper said as he looked at you with spy "Bonjour Y/N" spy spoke out as well as you walked over to them"good morning guys....umm...where's everyone?" "Today ees ceasefire day and zhe team ees aloud to do anyzhing zhey want" spy answered you with a warm smile "oh, but doesn't that mean we train?" You said and they both smirked "well, tha soldier woanted me ta watch ya becoause you were in mah camper" sniper said proudly then spy spoke "yees, and I cloak my way out of zhere" and you giggled at them "okay then, but I'ma go train now" you said as you walked away, then sniper picked you up

"h-hey! Put me down!" "Nah, sorry sheila, but ya gotta eat first" he spoke with an evil smirk and you shot a playful glare at him as spy walked behind him and went into his smoking room while you and sniper went to the mess hall to find you something to eat. You finished your breakfast and thanked sniper and went to the training room

"Oh look, tha toots is awake"

"Morning, darling"

"Good morning leetle Y/N"

"Gmmm mmmhmmm (good morning: pyro)

"Morning, lass"

"Gutt morning, frau"


"Good morning guys!" You said as you walked over to scout "where were ya yesterday toots? Couldn't find ya" scout said "oh, I was on the roof with sniper" you replied and spoke again "let's race" scout smirk at you "ya sure toots?" "Yes" and with that you and scout started running

I was exhausted now and I wasn't that fast either, as I ran I told scout "I'm tired now, can we stop?" "Mkay, toots" and we went over to a bench and sat down. Not long after soldier came over to us "GO TRAIN YOU MAGGOT" he practically shouted at scout "alright" scout said and I could have sworn I heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. Soldier came over as sat down next to me "Y/N we will have you train for two or three more months then you will start to go outside for battle" he said in his normal voice as I smiled at him "why not just one month?" I asked and he chuckled "because sweetheart, you are to young to train every day, which you might damage yourself in" he said with a warm smile "alright then go train I'll be punching the dummies, if you need me come over there" and with that he walked off

Me and my teammates were done training now and went back to our places, I was bored so I had asked engie if I could spend some time with him and he gladly excepted it, we went to his workshop and he told me how to help him as we talked about other things too. We both finally finished with all the work not noticing that I had cut myself until we saw a blood stain on engie's desk, I reached my hand to touch it but then we both saw the cut as it bled out, then I quickly hurried to the med-bay

I walked over to medic while he was talking to his dove "oh, hallo frau" he said as he noticed me and gave a small wave "vhat can ich help jou vith?" He asked "I uh...cut myself" I replied as I showed him my wound, he looked at it closely and went over to one of the cabinet to grab a band aid, he came back and asked me to hold my hand out , I did as he said and he put the band aid on the cut "alvright frau, jou can leaff now" he spoke, I nodded and gave him a quick hug them walked out to the living room. When I arrived I saw sniper, engie, demo, soldier, and pyro playing poker, I went over and sat next to pyro as I watched them play

After a while I got bored and went to my room, I looked at my dad's Blu captain hat 'why am I so concerned about him being a blu? Ofcourse he isn't one...this hat is just fan made......right?' I thought to myself not noticing the knock at my door until I snapped out of my thoughts "ees leetle girl in there?" Asked the Russian "I'm in here! Come in!" I said as he opened the door "leetle girl must come eat heavy's sandvich" he said and i giggled at his words, then followed him into the mess hall for dinner. When we arrived at the mess hall I grabbed my plate and sat down next to Engie, as I finish my sandwich halfway engie spoke " thanks for helping me today, darling" I laughed and answered "it was my pleasure, engie" and he wink at me with a grin

We finished our sandwiches and me and engie washed the dishes, after we finished I went into my room and quickly changed into my favorite pjs, before I went to bed I quickly took out the picture of my dad and placed it right next to his hat with the phone, then I whisper "good night dad...I love you" then went over to my bed and fell asleep

1008 WORDS! This chapter was kinda shity and I'm kinda sorry for that, make sure you guys stay home and wash your hands when needed and plz send me your ideas if you have any but anyway I'll see you guys next chapter baii!

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