Chapter 2: The Trial

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Shiver went down unto my spine upon hearing those words, I felt so uneasy and excited at the same time knowing that I had been chosen and given the chance to obtain an omnipotent relic of the God.

“I will send you to a maze and I will let you collect the relic in the maze and that relics is a vessel if you would be able to obtain it then you shall be granted a passage in the trial if not then you will forever be trapped in the maze” proclaimed the God.

A young man with a black raven hair with a tiny scar on the left side of his face wearing a white kamiso raises his hand and spoke in a monotonous tone.

“Then it is just a race of whom shall collect the relic first then?”
The God immediately replied, “You might think that it’s just a race of collecting the relic but it is not, the maze is not just a walk in the park, it is a place full of traps, monsters, and vile creatures, you might even die in the maze if you make a wrong move.”

Then a girl with a blonde hair wearing an old tattered dress asked the God for clarification.

“What if we would all die in the maze?” asked the young girl with a trembling voice.

“The answer on your question is quite simple, if ever all of you died then your tribe would not participate in the Battle of the Holy Grail” replied the God.

“If you don’t have any question you may now step in the rock sun in front of you it will teleport you to the maze, I will be waiting here and I hope that one of you shall obtain a relic which will serve as a vessel” exclaimed the God.

I nervously stepped into the rock stone and a blinding light flowed at the top of the rock, within a second I am already inside a jungle in a scene of a dark night with a screeching sound in the nearby.

I bravely start walking careful not to do any wrong move and avoiding to die immediately.

Magical energy flowed swiftly into the air and I noticed that the compass given to me by the beggar suddenly light up pointing a particular location at the east.

“Maybe this will show me the way.”
I followed the direction that the compass is pointing to, at first I came upon some cute little lilac growing in the ground.

I step into the loam soil at first it was normal but as I continue walking the ground starts to shake, I looked back at the growing lilacs and it had started to grow into a humongous plants and they had opened their closed buds showing a large mouth that is thirsty and hungry to grab a prey.

Once again terror came to me, due to adrenaline rush I started sprinting into the ground while the plants still continues to grow.

I gasped for air as I was trying to catch my breath, as I continue to run the plants continued to go berserk.
Within the horizon I saw a passage that will lead me to a new route, I hurriedly sprinted toward that way, I tumbled to the ground when I stepped on a log but I managed to gets up and I successfully arrived at the new route.

After arriving there, the gigantic plants that was chasing me mysteriously disappeared.

Facing toward the route, the biome suddenly shifted, I now see a cliff with a broken bridge nearby.

“I won’t be able to pass through what should I do?” I mumbled to myself.
I look around to find a new route but unluckily the other side of the cliff is where the compass is pointing to.

Despair went through me that I even thought that I should just give up, in the first place I can’t even use any form of magic.

After a few minutes of wondering what should I do, I felt a shiver once again when I heard a screeching sound behind the tall grass of where I am standing to.

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