Chapter 12: The Quest of the Snake

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Upon casting the summoning spell, agonizing souls appeared from everywhere trying us to drag down to hell.

“Minoka burn them all” I ordered him.

The Minoka started to burn the souls by its fiery might but instead the souls dragged the creature to the abyss.

“We have no choice Haise, use one of your command spell and I will eradicate this soul it is the only way we have” Apolaki said while still holding at the attack of Sitan.

I raise my hand and one of the command spell started to light up.
“By the use of my command spell, I order you unleashed your limiter!” I screamed.

Apolaki leap backward from Sitan and he started unleashing his phantasmal power.

The thick and dark cloud that surrounds the stratum lightened up and a big ball of fire appeared from above.

By the gesture of the hand of Apolaki the big ball of fire clashes to the agonizing souls and to the God.
I once again heard an ear destroying sound of the souls as they had been burned to the ground.

After the huge impact the surrounding area turned into a mess, everything is burned except me and my best friend.

I rushed toward to my best friend and he had already lost his breath, tears started to build up from my eyes as I hug the dead body of my friend.
“Why does everybody needs to die” I cried in sadness and anger.

I laid the body of my friend to a bundle of flowers in the second stratum along with the dead child.
I whispered a prayer and I continued heading upward toward the grail.

“Two masters’ remains” a voice said in the horizon.

When I already reach the fifth stratum there is nothing there but a wreckage of a city and nearby there’s a ladder that leads to the final stratum.

“I’ve been waiting for you” a lady holding a python said the moment I arrive.

“Let me introduce myself I’m Dimaria from the western tribe” she uttered.
“Haise of the eastern tribe” I replied returning the favor.

“Tell me kid why do you seek the grail?” the lady asked.

“I myself don’t know why” I replied.

“Then give up already, you have no place in here” she uttered.

“Come closer” she requested me.
The moment that I step my foot the snake from her hand rushed toward me which makes me summon my God immediately.

“What are coward you are” she mocked.

“I think there is no time for chit chats, let us determine who shall obtain the grail” she said with a laugh.

‘Oh Goddess of reptiles, appear and take feast on the prey in front of you Goddess of Snakes, Phaethon of Deities Luyong Kabig.”

I felt a strong tension after the summoning I felt a massive amount of magical energy coming from the Goddess.

I took the cursed grimoire that is restricting my power, I rip it apart and all my lost power had been regained.

I enchanted my body with God slaying power, tattoos appeared all over my body and I dash directly toward her.

“Summon Bakunawa and direct your power toward me.”

The humongous creature turned into a body armor covering the lady with green and gray scale armor.
She dashed toward me striking me expectantly that I can’t even predict her attacks.

She moves gracefully and easily in the environment as she attacks me continuously.

I always stumble to the ground every time she hit me with the sword, I used magus martial arts and harness it to suppress her power but eventually I was just able to block her attack once.

“Unleash me” a voice came to my ear.
My mouth suddenly speaks on its own “Laminae, incantation” I uttered and the sky shifted with the night full of stars.

The necklace hanging on my neck suddenly lights up emitting a blue and violet light.

“Thank you for summoning me master.”

A lady appeared holding an orb on one of her hand.

“How can you have two servants?” the lady asks in disbelief.

“We share opposite affinities that’s why he was able to summon me” the Goddess replied.

“Pardon me Master for my delay I’m Mayari the Goddess and huntress of the moon I will gladly aid you in this final battle of yours.”

The Goddess Mayari grips the orb and a strike of a flashing light appeared from within the orb.

“I won’t let you destroy my own dreams” the lady said.

“Snake Goddess enveloped your power on me” she uttered.

The Goddess that Apolaki is fighting suddenly turned into small snakes and the snake grips the body of the lady some snakes even go inside its mouth.

For a few moments the body of Dimaria shakes a little bit until her eyes open up revealing a snake’s eye and even her tongue turned into something that resembles a snakes.

Her hair suddenly shifted into a pale color of gray and her feet suddenly disappeared changing them with the snake’s body.

The beautiful lady turned into a terrifying creature.

It slithers toward me and grips my body, I tried chanting spells but she covered my mouth restricting me from speaking.

Apolaki rush toward me slashing the body of the Goddess, it loses Its grip on me and I was able to breath.

The agonizing Goddess that was hit by the sword of Apolaki slithered backward, she stares toward me, a glint of green eyes appeared from her.

“I can’t move!” I uttered.

“She’s using the mystic eyes of petrification" Mayari said.

I covered my eyes and I was able to break through the small effect of petrification.

By the use of the mystic eyes of premonition given to me by Axel I was able to predict and see through the attacks.

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