Chapter 3: The Clash of Swords

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Moving forward toward the center of the chamber, I carefully watched my steps avoiding to activate any trap that is hidden within the walls of the chamber.

I toss an empty vial in the air and an arrow swiftly appeared breaking the vial immediately, I throw three more vials and as predicted it was again shattered by an arrow.

When there is no longer any arrow that appeared when I throw another vial I sprint toward the maze and nothing happened.

I accidentally step one foot on a golden tile and it activated another trap, where fires suddenly ignite and disappears immediately appears.

I observed the fire and I was able to find out that it had a pattern.

Remembering back the book that I’ve read before when I can still use magic, these kinds of traps it mostly encountered in dungeons and to be able to pass through it you must know how to do the dance of the wind, a kind of martial arts which predicts the attack of an opponent.

I breath deep and concentrated in doing the dance, I started making a stance and I leap through the first column where the fire appears and vanished.

Predicting when the fire will appear I move swiftly and move like a swallow between the rocks.

Leaping from between the fire I managed to pass through the blazing fire of death.

A stairway the leads downward appeared from within I continue to head downward and the thunderous roar that I had heard before once again repeated.

My heart skips a beat as I draw near the center of the chamber, at the end of the stairway leads to a dark room like that of a rattlesnake’s pit.

I carefully look for a way out when I spotted some shining and glistening bugs from within, without any single thought I followed the light and it unbelievably leads me to an exit.

Once again I feel an extreme terror and dread when I had already seen what the thunderous roar that I had heard before.

It was a Bakunawa, a gigantic snake with sharp and glistening silver scales and from behind it stood a stone pillar where a golden trumpet resides.
“That must be the relic?” I exclaimed to myself.

As I was to approach the relic two teenagers from the sun temple before tackled the gigantic Bakunawa, making it create a deafening roar.

A girl sitting from a nearby rock supports the two mighty warriors by enchanting them with support magic.
They attacked the Bakunawa with all their might but they could not even scratch the monster.

They strike it with plenty of magical energy and with their sword but they could not do anything to defeat the monster.

They felt exhausted and the girl that was supporting them had lost all her magical energy making her faith.
The Bakunawa grab the two warriors by its long sharp claws and I froze when that scene happened.

” My body won’t move, I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to witness another carnage” I spoke to myself but still I was continually devoured by dread as I was watching the two warriors scream with agony.

” I won’t let anyone die again” I screamed, I grab a rusty sword lying from the ground and tackled the monsters with all my might.

With enough precision and strength, I was able to jump high at the back of the monster.

I run toward the head aiming for its eye but it struggled and I fell down.

“You can’t defeat it, run for your life!!!” screamed the wounded warriors.

“But I won’t let you die here” I replied with determination.

I strike it again and again but still nothing happened.

The claw of the monster strikes my left hand spilling some of my blood, I screamed in agony.

“Is that all you can do?” a whisper came to my ear.

“Who are you?” I replied.

“It doesn't matter who I am what matters right now is you have to save those souls.”

Then I look at the three innocent warriors who are heavily wounded.

“But I don’t know what to do? I can’t even chant a single spell and beside my magic crest is already gone” I uttered.

“You Don't need any form of magic to save someone Haise, it only takes a strong determination to make the impossible possible”

“Pass this trial I will see you to the end” the voice said and then disappeared.

I tried to step up little by little while maintaining my balance, using the blade that is lying on the floor I ripped of my shirt and tied it to my left hand to avoid too much loss of blood.

I stand firm and continued fighting the Bakunawa.

“Use my weapon!” shouted one of the wounded warriors, he tosses a pair of crimson red daggers with a handle covered with bandage.

A mystic item, unlike any form of magic mystic items don’t need the user to supply magical energy, it has its magical core which allows itself to sustain its own energy.

I’ve already practice double handed weapons when I studied magus martial art and using a mystic item will take us into an advantage, I fix my posture and attack the Bakunawa, it made a screeching sound as I endlessly attacked its huge body.

While I continue attacking the monster the girl who had fainted had regained his consciousness “I’ll enchant your body with an enhancement spell.’’

She clasped her hands and draw some runes.

“Ignite thy soul with power, remove thy chaos and heal thy pain and suffering, Animus Heteria, Taos” whispered the girl like a prayer.

My left arm suddenly healed, and my body feels light, all of my lost energy had been replenished, I had never felt this sensation before.

I swiped the crimson dagger with my hand and grip them as hard as I can, mixing magus martial arts with a mystic item, all of my attacks had given damage to the monster.

“We won’t let you be the only one having fun attacking the monster” muttered the warriors which are now fully recovered.

I grinned, “Let us end this now”
We started to once again defeat the monster I’ am in front together with the young warrior with a scar on his face while the other is at the back supporting us with enchantment spells.

“Let’s aim at its eyes first, then we continue on cutting off its legs” I uttered.

“Then let me be the one in charge of that” the girl said, he advances in front and cast a spell “Orario hirakio” a light appeared blinding the Bakunawa, my comrades slashed the feet of the monster causing it to fall to the ground.

I jump at its head as high as I can and stab it with the dagger, instantly it made a thunderous roar and immediately it disappeared and turned into ash.

As the monster had been defeated the chamber started to crumble.

“Grab the relic now” I shouted to them.

The man with a scar on his faced dashed forward to the pillar where the relics lies.

He moved like the wind while dodging the falling debris inside the chamber.

“I can’t make it!’ the pillar is too far away” he shouted.

“Continue to move forward, you can make it there” I exclaimed.

He continued moving forward but when he was about to grasp the relic a flashing light appeared transporting us to somewhere.

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