Chapter 4: The Choosing

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When I opened up my eyes there are about thirty people standing along with me in the huge temple along with the person whom I fight with in the chamber.

I tried to wave at them but it seems like they are focusing on something.

“Congratulation, mages from the different tribes it seems like you all passed the trial” echoed a voice in temple.

“From this point you shall now meet your companion in the Battle of Holy Grail, but before that do you have any questions” asked the voice.

A girl wearing a black Filipiniana holding a huge python spoke “I thought there would only be one representative in each tribe why are we so these many when there are supposed to be ten tribes.”

“This competition is no longer like before, due to the reason that some Gods where not able to be summoned due to several circumstances we had change the trial where those who had seen the relic despite not collecting it will be able to participate, that is the reason why you are transported here when you were about to grab the relics”

“Poor souls you will all witness death” uttered a girl wearing a nun’s dress from my behind while laughing in a terrific manner.

“One more those who passed the trial which are not able to use any form of magic will immediately be killed through incineration besides this is about mages not mortal.”

I felt dread when I heard those word, “I don’t use magic anymore, am I going to die now?” a murmured to myself.

Several people scream when some of them where incinerate one by one, they are killed.

I close my eyes waiting for my turn to be incinerated but it didn't come.

“Does the mean I can still use magic?” I uttered to myself with confusion while staring at my hands.

About twenty people are left which are those who can use magic.

“Now let us start the choosing of the God step forward at the altar, state your name and a relic will appear”

The girl who is holding a python who asked at the beginning steps forward first at the altar “Dimaria” she uttered a black staff appeared at the altar.

Next came a handsome man wearing a kamiso de Chino, he steps forward with no expression on his face “Echo” a flute appeared.

I was shocked when I saw Axel on the choosing it was possible since he is from a different tribe, when he steps forward a silver bracelet appeared.

Then next came the girl wearing a nun’s dress, she steps forward with a psychotic expression and a wide grin on her face? “Maria Elena” she uttered while laughing and a dagger appeared.

It’s my turn to obtain a relic I maintain my composure as I started to walk toward the altar.

“Haise” I stated with confidence, a bright light starts to drift at the altar and a golden necklace with an emblem of the sun and the moon appeared.

Several vessels appeared like, an umbrella, a cornucopia, a string instrument and books.

“Now that you have acquired a relic it depends on you how you will summon your Gods, within two days the battle for the Holy grail will begin, your particular God’s will feed you all the information you need in the battle” Uttered the voice.

After the choosing we all returned to our own tribe.

   My friend Axel approaches me with a cheerful voice.

“I’ve already told you, you are not a fallen mage you still have traces of magical energy left in you” he exclaimed.

“Do you know how to summon your God” I asked to him.

“Well quite off, I already started learning how to summon a God when I first heard about this Holy Grail thing and besides summoning is my specialty aside from healing and elemental magic” he replied.
I looked to him with no proper reaction.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to summon” he uttered frantically.
“Quite true” I uttered.

Axel look something from his adventurer’s backpack and he lends me a thick book entitled “Sumonus Voilarie.”

“This book will help you a lot it will feed you all the details” he stated.
“Bye for now time to prepare for the main event” he smiled.

“Let us both do our best” I replied
We wave at each other goodbye and I returned to my cabin.

When I arrived at my cabin I take a deep breath and immediately slammed myself into my bed.

“Still it feels like a dream” I whispered while looking at the golden necklace.

“What God would I be able to summon, maybe the God of thunder, or the Goddess of Beauty?” I said to myself while thinking many possible God’s that I might be able to summon.

While thinking I had already forgotten the passage of time, my eyes become heavy and I did not notice that I was now sleeping.

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