Chapter 9: The Music of Death

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  I gaze upon the surrounding area while analyzing what would happen.

“Take care Haise, we don’t know if this person is a friend or foe” Apolaki reminded.

“Let me play a song for you” echo uttered.

He began stroking his harp, hitting the right note sends a pleasant feeling myself.

“Haise summon me!” Apolaki screamed from his vessel.

I immediately summoned Apolaki and he materialized while holding his sword, he strikes the wind like he was striking something and a broken sound like a broken glass emerged from each slices.

“I thought I could end you without dripping a blood, but it seems like your God had sensed my attacked” Echo exclaimed after standing from where he is.

“You are a bard mage; you use music to deceive people from falling into your trap to kill them” I murmured.

“We are pretty famous aren’t we? Music is indeed fascinating so I will gladly use music to end you."

He gets his flute from his pocket and enchants a summoning spell by using notes, the sound is quite mesmerizing yet very dreadful.

A man with a brown hair wearing white and golden fabrics along with a headdress on his head emerges while holding a lyre.

“Music shall be your end” he uttered and strokes one note which make me fall to the ground.

“Gravity magic through music” I exclaimed.

Remembering from what I had learned before any form of magic that is being cast by the use of the senses can be defied and the only way is to close that senses.

I closed my sense of hearing by focusing on the mantra techniques a technique used for sealing the senses, I stood up, the effect of the magic had been nullified.

“Impossible” he uttered.

“I think this is the perfect time to show who among us is the real man” he added.

He manipulates the energy from the horizon and uses this to transform his God into a weapon.

“That’s the same thing I saw from the temple.”

“Haise, I’ll let you show your strength I will gladly aid you so don’t fear”

Apolaki muttered.

Apolaki raises his sword and swayed them into a circle manner and instantly his power was directed to my dagger, from my dark and small dagger it turned into a dagger with a shining lustrous sheen.

I dashed toward him, moving side to side I was able to make a great opening on my attacks.

I swiftly run toward him and slashed his arm with the blades, they were pretty handy and I can really feel the strong magic from within.

Echo made a stance he made an invisible barrier using the string on his sword, I passed through it after being able to burrow a little amount of Apolaki’s power.

I continued to dash toward him, when I was close enough I touch his face and punches it down to the ground, instantly he came falling.

Once again I moved toward him but he immediately stand blocking the attack of my sword, we exchange clashes of swords that it seems like we are doing a dance of the sword.

He moved his left arm and punches me on the stomach, I quickly cough and already tasting my blood.

Copying my own attack, he dashes toward me grabbing me on the arm and pushes to the ground.

His attacks become more unpredictable as he enhances himself with bard magic.

He dragged me to the ground and continuously kicking me down until I’ can’t already move my arm.

He speaks an audible spell which nullified my mantra technique I can now hear some of his music.

“Hear the symphony Death” he exclaimed.

He played his harp and I felt dizzy while hearing the dreadful sound, my eyes becomes blurry and the voice came to my ear.

“I’ am the lost part of yourself Haise” the voice said.

“Am I already dead? “I asked,

“No, Haise your consciousness had bought you here” he replied.

“I have seen yourself striving without magic, I will gladly lend you my power, and you shall continue seeking me”

“I’m not done yet” I urged as I was starting to stand up.

‘Poor pathetic child, just give up already” he mocked.

“But I’m so close to where I want and will not let myself miss another chance again’ I uttered.

I stand up firmly with determination and I felt like myself suddenly becomes whole again, I can now feel the lost magic that I was longing for.

“You dare fight me with music then I will gladly fight you back with music.”

I gathered up the remaining magic from the surrounding and used it to make a cursed harp
“Feel thy wrath of music, and music shall be your end, requiem of agonizing death” I chanted the spell.

A flash of purple light appeared from the sound of the harp, Echo uses her God to suppress the magic but his flute was broken by the huge impact of music.

I felt a strong relieve after defeating the Bard but suddenly my body collapse to the ground and I passed out.

When I woke up I heard a gushing of water from nearby I looked around and I was laying on a nipa hut.

“Where am I?” I asked myself.

“Don’t be afraid I mean no harm; I am Heian a dryad from this stratum I found you laying to the ground together with this man so I bought you here” the Dryad explained.

“Thank you for taking care of me. I will forever be grateful for your kindness” I uttered.

“It’s fine after all it’s our duty to heal” the dryad said with a happy tone.

“I should be going then, thank you again” I said and I continue heading outside but my foot suddenly felt a numb.

“Your hurt, let me heal you again first” the dryad exclaimed, she placed her hand into my foot and the pain suddenly vanished.

“If you want to go to the next stratum just step into the Dryad circle and it will lead you there without climbing the ladder” she said.

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