Chapter 8: The Rain of Isolation

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I touched the head of the little girl as she hugs me.

“I’ve always been alone here; can you play with me?” she constantly asks.

By nodding my head, he grabs my hand and she pulls me to a nearby playground.

“Are you always been alone here” I asked.

“Yes, I always ask someone to play with me but they always leave me, that’s why I’m happy that you are with me, brother” she replies with a sweet smile on her face.

“Brother? no one had ever called me like that” I whispered.

“Can you read me a book, brother?” she asked.

I smiled and she lends me a book entitled “The little wizard girl.”
I read a few pages and I did not notice that the little girl had already been fallen asleep at my lap.

Looking above, the feeling was so very pleasant like I was sleeping on a cloud.

Due to tiredness I also had fallen asleep.

A dream came to me, I was holding the grail and it is asking me what do I want from the grail, by a second thought I could not think something that I want.

Then I woke up, the girl that is sleeping at my lap had already vanished, I gaze above and I saw a ladder that leads to the next stratum or level.

I moved my foot then a girl’s voice spoke at my back.

“Where are you going Brother?” the girl asked.

“I’m going to the next stratum; you can join me if you like” I replied.

“But I’m scared” she uttered as tears starts to flow from her cheek.

“Then stay here, I’ll be back for you” I uttered.

The clouds started to form and the girl was soaked by the rain.

“Many people had already said that, you are lying” she screamed.

She chanted an audible spell and the rain suddenly stops from falling making them float into the air, the water then sticks to one another and a Goddess with a dark raven hair and blue eyes wearing a blue gown with long lashes appeared.

“She’s a master too” I uttered in disbelief.

“Kill that liar, Goddess of the rain!” the girl screamed.

The Goddess made a staff as a weapon from water and due this she was able to manipulate water and change them into it’s different state.

“Sol, ultras” the Goddess spoke and the water droplets turned into icicles
I summoned Apolaki immediately and he activated his blades with sun and heat power.

“I’ll melt those icicles into water” He uttered.

Apolaki slashes the icicles to be able to melt them but the icicles suddenly shifted into water, enveloping Apolaki into a sphere of water.

“Apolaki” I screamed.
“Finish them already” the girl scowled.

The Goddess transformed her staff into a sword, she moved toward me trying to slash me with the weapon made of water.

I grabbed my daggers immediately and uses them to block the attack of the Goddess.

She continually tried to slash me with her sword but I increased my agility to avoid being hit.

“Quit playing kill them already” the little girl scowled.

The Goddess stop moving for a moment she look back at the girl and she started walking toward her.
“What are you doing?” the girl asked with dread on her face.

The Goddess continue to approach the girl and the girl was moving backward.

“By my command spell, kill yourself Aman tabu” she screamed.

One of her command spell vanished but nothing happened the Goddess still continued to approach the girl.

“By my command spell kill yourself! kill yourself!!!!” she repeated with a scream.

“Kill yourself!!!” she uttered but it was too late the Goddess held her sword high and slashed her master directly at its belly.

“No!” I screamed

At the exact moment Apolaki had already freed himself from the lock of water by vaporizing it, he run toward the Goddess and slashes her with his blade.

The Goddess disappeared into the thin air and the little girl is left in bloodshed.

“Brother, I’m sorry” please forgive me she uttered.

“You can’t die!” I uttered while tears started to drip from my eyes"

“Maybe this is what I deserve, I also had killed many master on this stratum, I could not help it they are all treating me like nobody that’s the reason why there is already a ladder to the next level but I’m too scared to fight” she uttered.

“Can you forgive me?” she asked.
‘You have no faults on me” I replied.

“Thanks that’s all I wanted to hear” she uttered and she had already lost her consciousness.

I dug a grave for her and offer her some flower with a prayer on it.
Then I moved forward to the next stratum

“How can be the command spell denied by the Goddess” I asked Apolaki.

“Even I don’t know what makes her defy her own master” he replied but maybe another God is behind this.
We continued climbing the long ladder that leads to the third stratum.

“Four more stratum and we would be now close to the grail” I uttered
At the midway of the ladder I heard a melodic music coming from somewhere I hurriedly climb faster to get a glimpse from where the music came from.

When we arrived at the third level the surrounding is a beautiful garden, full of flowers and dazzling birds, I leap at the ground and once again I heard the music.

Following where the music came from it leads me to a beautiful hanging garden from within.

“Have we meet before?” a man sitting from the garden asked me when he saw my presence.

“I guess it my first time meeting you?” I replied.

   “Then may I introduce myself I ‘am Echo from the northern tribe.”

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