Chapter 11: The Calling of Death

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“Axel!” I shouted after the impact.
An abyssal arrow is a cursed item that will corrupt yourself slowly until you die.

Axel summoned his God by enchanting the summoning spell, he raises his wounded arm and was successfully able to summon his God.

“Bathala, God of thunder find the culprit and end it immediately” Axel said while coughing some blood.

“I will heal you, hang in there Axel” I uttered to him.

“No you can’t this is a curse Haise you can’t lift a curse by just potions and besides I’m going to die soon enough but first I shall transfer my mystic eyes to your, I don’t want them to go to waste’” he replied

He covered my eyes with his hand and enchants a spell a tingling and painful sensation came to eyes but it suddenly vanished.

“How sentimental” a lady wearing a nun’s dress appeared from somewhere.

“Where’s Bathala?!” Axel exclaimed

“Are you looking for this?” she asked showing a God corrupted with evil.

“What have you done?!” Axel screamed.

“I just dyed him black just like the Goddess of Rain!” she replied while laughing in a horrible manner.

The lady recognized my face when she had taken a little glimpse of me.

“I know you!” she uttered.

“You’re the kid before that has a strong power but it was stolen by this book” she makes chuckle while showing the grimoire I found before.

“I thought you died already and it
makes me laugh seeing you in this condition and look at your friend he will die soon” she added while laughing.

“What drives you to kill’?!” I asked while starting to stand up.

“What drives me to kill?” she repeated the same question

“Killing is fun your idiot and souls are just some apparels they don’t have any worth” she replied.

I clenched my fist and I immediately summoned Apolaki.

“Oh you also what to be killed?” she mocked.

She grabs a dagger and enchants a voodoo magic causing his God to be summoned.

A man with wearing a half mask appeared from within.

“Attack them sitan!” she shouted.
The God summoned a ball and chain from his hands and he aimed from where I am standing.

I dodge his attacks by jumping high as I can, I ordered Apolaki to fight the God while I deal with the lady.

A premonition appeared from my sight that lady will inflict a death spell, I immediately think of casting a spell to nullify the incoming attack but I was shocked when he already knew what I would do.

I observed that her eyes glinted in red and green color
“Clairvoyance” I uttered.
She raises her hand and cast a necromancy spell, the ground shakes and an army of the undead appeared from everywhere.

“Drag them to the abyss!” she screamed, the undead army started to move toward me while Apolaki is dealing with the God Sitan using his golden swords.

I make my way in at the hoard of the undead by slashing them with my daggers my Minokawa blades had reach its limits so it returned on its original state, I ordered it to burn all the undead, it flied high and make a gust with its wings along with gust came a scarlet fire that immediately burned the undead.

The lady is now determined to kill me, she grabs some daggers and he threw it directly to me, I managed to avoid four of them but the last one had hit my left arm.

I touched my wounded arm and covered it directly with a cloth, the lady dashes toward me now while holding a sharp blade on her hand, she slashes me at the belly but I blocked it the sword.

When her head drew near to me I grab her hair tightly as I can and dragged her to the ground, I punched him directly to her face a bruise appeared from her check.

“How dare you ruin my beautiful face!” she scowled with anger.

“I’m done playing games with you little brat” she uttered.

“God of eternal death and suffering lend me your power and may chaos stain the whole world”

The God Sitan came to his master and a scythe appeared from his hand he reaped his own master and the soul of the lady was transported to the body of God.

“Now we are one!” she shouted.
Apolaki and I came close to one another.

“Be ready Haise he had unified her body with the God we are now dealing something within normal” he uttered.

We make a stance and the God had started rushing toward us, he strikes his scythe toward us and I blocked it with my dagger, Apolaki hurriedly came to my side and slashes the God with his blade but suddenly the corrupted God of Axel defended the God.

“Don’t underestimate me, I can corrupt your God if I want to” said the God in a creepy manner.

We started clashing weapons with the God of Death and Thunder, the thunder God unleashed a black thunder toward me and I was struck immediately.

I felt the agonizing pain of the thunder but I was determined to take revenge on the death of my best friend I harness the thunder and lead it directly to the God Sitan, the moment that the God was struck he lose control of the lightning God making it disintegrate into gold particle.

“Now it’s just you and us” I uttered.
By the use of the lightning I harness it to change the affinity of my dagger.

I sprint toward the God I was the one in charge in the defense mechanism while Apolaki is at the back focused in attacking the God.

I clash my dagger with the scythe of the God and Apolaki advances to front aiming to slash at the body of the God.
We continued doing the techniques we had done to take advantage of the God’s attacks.

Apolaki made a finishing blow by striking the God into his chest in an X form, the God made a shriek and mumbled a summoning of the death spell.

“Come forth from the abyss and drag them down to the eternal furnace of death Deron, Inferior” She exclaimed.

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