Chapter 6: The Grail

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Wake up Master, it’s time that will feed you all the information” Apolaki uttered.

“How are you able to communicate with me when you are still on your vessel?” I asked him while rubbing my eyes.

“We are one Master that’s why we can communicate without summoning me in my vessel’” he replied.

“Enough of the Master already, you can just call me Haise” I uttered.

“Sorry Master, I mean Haise.”

“So can you feed me all the details now” I asked.

“Sure, where would I start?” he mumbled.

“I’ll start by explaining who we are” he stated.

“But first summon me Haise” he requested.

“Pass through the line of constrains by the shining location of the east I summon you, Apolaki” I chanted.
Apolaki materialized in front of me.

“That was a good one” he uttered.
“So let me start we are God & Goddesses who has something we want ourselves that the grail can grant that’s why we abide by the summon of the Holy Grail”.

“Then what do you want?” I asked.
“That is something that only God’s can know” he replied.


“There are many Gods like me and to be able to summon us you need a relic, you can only obtain a relic if you are chosen in your tribe and had succeed the trials.”

“After that you would summon your God, basically the God that you had summoned will always fit your personality.”

“What does that mean?”

“This means if you are chaotic then you would probably summon a chaotic God simply as that” he replied.

“Next is the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail is an omnipotent wish granting relic and the only way to obtain that relic is by the Battle for the Holy Grail.”

“The Battle of a Holy Grail is an event which happens every six decades, there would be servants which are us the Gods, and Masters which are you the mages.”

“In this battle you must kill all your opponent to obtain the Grail”

“What do you mean by killing your opponents.”

“Basically you are not to kill the masters but the servants itself, if the servant dies the master is no eligible for the grail and if the master dies the servant die immediately, so to easily kill a servant you can just kill the master” he exclaimed.

“And aside from that you have three command spell” he added.

He pointed at my left hand and I noticed three red marking on my hand that resembles an emblem.

“These command spells show your authority, you can forcefully command your God to do whatever you like and you can only do it thrice” he explains.

“But the moment that you already lose all your command spells your tie with your God will immediately dismantle so I advise that you must only use that if necessary” he added.

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked to Apolaki

“I thought that I am not a mage already since my magic crest disappeared years ago but how was I not incinerated during the final choosing.”

Apolaki analyzed my condition while holding his chin.

“That could be impossible a mage will always be mage maybe your magic crest just become dormant” he replied.

“Let me appraise your current condition” he said to me

I remove my shirt and he placed his hand into my back a cold sensation came to me as magic particles gathered at my back, within a minute the appraisal is already done.

‘As I had thought your magic crest is indeed dormant but it seems that some part of it had be stolen or something” he replied.

“How could that happened?” I mumbled to myself as I try to think for phenomenon but my memory suddenly become fuzzy.

“How about we do a little training? your magic crest is dormant but we can somehow awaken the remaining magic in you” Apolaki exclaimed.

I grab a double wielded dagger then I toss it in the air and made a warrior’s stance.

Apolaki opened his hand and a golden sword appeared from his hand.

“Go on show me your strength and let us awaken your power” he exclaimed.
I moved my left foot and I take a deep breath, while gripping my dagger I dash forward to him and tackled him directly at the stomach.

“Is that all you can do” he mocked after he successfully blocked my attack without even moving a muscle.
I moved backed and tried another attacked this time I increase my agility I moved side by side so that we won’t predict my attacks, when I’ m already near at him he made a grin, I aimed the dagger to his arm but he once again dodge my attacks.

“Enough already focus on your target” he yelled and he punched me at my stomach which leads me tumbling to the ground.

I can already taste my blood after the impact but I managed to get up and made a stance.

“That’s exactly a warrior should be” he stated.

I once again attacked him with my blades but this time I tried to predict what he would do, I provoked him by doing the same attacked and as instant he once again punched me at the stomach.

“Running directly to him will not be a good choice” I uttered to myself. “I must learn to predict his attacks.”
By repeating the same techniques over and over I was able to make an opening attack toward him.

I moved side to side while increasing my speed and agility while running toward him in circles.

“That won’t work kid” he uttered.
I threw the dagger from my left directly to him and at the point that he dodges it I swiftly tackle him at his side.

He dodges my dagger with his swords but I head-butt him instead, he steps back and I once again moved in circle I was able to learn his pattern of attacks and to be able to pass through it I must made a great opening at his defense.

I run directly at him the moment that he would punched me again I jump high toward him and aimed the dagger to his face but he was able to avoid being hit by it.

“Pretty impressive Haise, but that won’t be enough on the actual battle” he exclaimed.

By focusing to his attacks I was able to make a defense mechanism, I make a successive move attacking him side by side continuously.

I found and opening on his attacks I leap toward him then dashes to his side I crossed my two daggers and slashed it directly to his side but it healed quickly.

We changed clashes of sword the I tried to stab the dagger at his backed when my body drew near to his but he kicked me instead and I was sent flying to the ground.

“That’s enough for today” he stated with a smile while lending his hands to me, he healed all my wounds and replenished my energy by his regeneration power, when I had stand I heard a siren of a trumpet and my command spells started to emit a strong light into the sky, plenty of different colors appeared in the sky that came from different locations.
I felt a little chill as the hair at nape started to stand.

“What are those? “I asked.
“Haise brace yourself for the battle of the Holy grail starts now” he uttered with a determination on his face.

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