Chapter 10: Unexpected Encounter

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I stepped into the Dryad circle and it immediately transported me to the fourth stratum.

A jungle appeared as the biome on the current stratum, I started journeying at the center of the jungle by looking for something to eat.

I wandered everywhere, I stopped by when I saw some luscious berries hanging from the tree.

When I came near the tree I saw a familiar face that is sleeping at the top of it.

Decided that I won’t disturb him, I tossed my dagger into the tree while aiming the berries to fall.

Upon the blade of the dagger touches the berries a bounded field appeared that surrounded the tree.

The man sleeping on the tree
suddenly felt startled waking him up from his deep slumber.

He looks at me, painfully while trying to recognize who I am.

“Haise?” he said in disbelief

“Yoh!” I replied while waving him.

Axel deactivated his bounded field and lends me something to eat.

“How long have you been here in the fortress?” he asked me.

“About a week” I replied.

“So you are going to fight me then?” Axel asked.

“If that is okay with you” I replied.

“It would be my pleasure to have a battle with you but you must eat first, we’ll determine who shall pass the stratum tomorrow” he uttered.

We made a camp near the river and rested for night.

A loud noise made us awake, we come running where the screamed came from and we arrived at bunch of skeletons and decaying humans, it seems that they had been inflicted by a death curse.

Along with Axel we wandered toward the plain field near the river and decided to spar at one another there.

Axel grab a bottle inside his bag, inside the bottle there is twitching thunder inside it.

He uncorked the bottle and a thunderbird appeared from there.
“Battle of Creatures?” I uttered.
I also grab a bottle from my bag I poured the ashes from the bottle and a magnificent Minokawa rises from the ashes.

We both rod our Creatures and took flight in the air, Axel summoned his God in mid-air transferring the magical energy of the God directly to the creature.

The thunderbird shifted into a magnificent golden bird with flashy feathers.

It moved directly to me attacking me with its sharp and huge talons.

I managed to avoid being hit by gliding my creature in a side manner.

Axel chant a spell making the thunderbird open up its huge magnificent wing and it stirs up a storm.

I find a little bit of difficulty leading the Minoka to the storm, we tried avoiding being struck by a lightning as a heavy rainfall also happens.

Determined to survive I landed to the ground and once again I returned the Minokawa to its ash form.

Axel did the same thing and he unsheathe his sword from its scabbard.

“Why don’t you use the bird to enhance your skill, they are not just for flight Haise” Axel exclaimed.

“But it’s a risk, harnessing the power of a creature will cause you too much damage if it won’t work” I replied.

“Let me teach how to do so, he uttered and I immediately summoned the Minokawa from the its ashes.

“To harness the power of a creature to yourself you must have a strong bind with and you must put your trust to the creature that you tamed” he explained.

Axel carefully caress the body of the bird then it binds itself with the thunderbird.

He grabs a dagger and he stab the bird with it, the thunderbird did not make a cry, with the blood the he gathered he cast a spell and the thunderbird disintegrated into a golden light then the light flowed directly toward Axel.

By the process of the light enveloping the body of Axel, he transformed into something, a man with a black raven hair wearing a helmet that resembles the wing of the bird.

“Now it’s your turn” he said

“I stab the Minokawa with the dagger and I was amazed when it did not move, I chant a spell and the Minokawa turned into a flash of scarlet light then it enveloped my body, I felt a warm feeling, the bird turned into a pair of swords with a red crimson blade.

“Let us start shall we?” Axel exclaimed with a grin on his face.
I made a stance, I waited for Axel to make his first move.

“The one who moves first will be defeated” I said at the back of my head.

The wind blows through my skin and I felt the refreshing sound of it, Axel also did not move.

I moved first but Axel also moved toward me, I slashed the sword and I was shocked when he also did exactly the same thing that I did. I dash toward him attacking him side to side, with the aid of the Minoka, every attack that I made is overwhelming with power.

Axel’s eyes light up into an orange and red light that he was able to predict my next move. I attacked him continuously but he didn’t fight instead he only dodges all of them.

Then I stop to attack him for a moment.

“You’re a wielder of a mystic eyes too?” I asked.

“Yes the mystic eyes of premonition, by these eyes I was able to take glimpse to the approximate near future” he replied.

“They are quite pretty handy” he added.

Let continue he uttered and she leaps toward me directing his blade directly at my chest but I was able to block it with the sword, I kicked him at his back and the huge impact send him flying but he retains him stance.
Axel looked back at me and his eyes suddenly turned into mystic form, he sprinted toward me and I made a stance to ready myself from the incoming attack.

The clock stops to turn when an abyssal arrow directly hit the left arm of Axel.

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