Part 8 (c)

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Part 8(c)sorry for mistakes

During all this tea time Nandini's chor nazar was fixed on him...She liked it when she saw him searching for her...then when he saw her with Manish ... That gaze of his ... with full of jealousy...(hahahha)she thought I and Manish...Is he that Possessive for me...? Same like I felt when I saw him with Simran... .for the very 1st time she keenly observed his features... And she noted that he is so handsome... Just like a prince...of any fairytale...(her mind shouted... Na na not of any fairytale...Price of My Fairytale...).and a light blush came on her cheeks on this thought...Unknowingly she started admiring him in her mind.she also observed that simran is not there now and this thing gave a satisfied feeling to her

Manik also felt her eyes on him...her continuous gaze is effecting him severely...he badly wanted to engulf her in his arms... to kiss those beautiful eyes which were still on him...whenever he tried to see in her eyes ,to read her eyes... she immediately turned her eyes on the other side...and this hide and seek game from her side is enough to charge him...

Manish left after some time and before leaving he gave a biggg hug to Nandini and that too infront of Manik...on seeing her in other's arm his anger started rising...and as soon as Manish left manik holds her hand and brought her in her room.He closed the door after coming in.coz he was waiting for only this moment...

Nandini breath struck in her throat when Manik drags her towards her room... She thought:Yeh ...mujhe aise kyo le k jar aha hai...Kahein is ne wo batein... Ayiappa no plzzz...plzzz save me from him ...plzzz abhi nahi... and then her thinking process broke with his voice.

He asked in lil anger: what was that huh...

Nandini (while thinking nervously...yeh kis bare mein poch raha hai... no aisa nahi ho phir...)She nervously asked: what was what?

Manik came near her... and after cornering her he placed his hands on either side of hers.

She saw him coming closer to her...and her nervousness reached on its peak at that time...

Manik: what was that look nandini?

Nandini's heart started beating fast... and her own confession before manish that she like him and then navya's 10 days ultimatum started ringing in her mind.this close encounter and his question at a time makes her hell nervous infront of him that too for the 1st time...

Manik also observed this nervousness in her eyes and a naughty grin came on his lips... ... he Leaned over her close that their breathes started mingling with eachother .Nandini felt shivering sensation in her body when his hot breath touched her skin...Unknown to her that red glow appears on her face... which satisfied Manik's innerself...He gave a quick peck on her lips.

He leaned back and lifted her face upward to read her eyes... but once again after meeting their gaze she immediately turned it back shyly.In her mind only thing which is running at this moment is 10 days... she has to say it to him within 10 days. But how can she...

Manik with a teasing smile asked huskily: Nandini why u left at that time ( while caressing her hairs)

Nandini inhale a long breath and with this his clogn smell also teased her senses. She slowly moved her eyes upward and gave a deep look to him...and her mind constantly reminding her yes...yes...yes... you like him, see his eyes...looks so innocent yet so naughty... and his nose ... His M shaped lips... and her stare stopped on his lips.

Manik cutely looked her focus on his lips and a killer smile appears on the face...

He leaned towards her...and as the distance between their faces decreases Her heart once again started beating on a jet spead... and in this moment her eyes closed on its own.

Manik saw her closed eyes and her long breath...Automatically a winning smile appears on his lips ...

His thumb moved on her lips and while caressing the lower lip line he asked: Why you left like that Nandini.

His touch on her lips sent tremors in her spine... and she felt a race of butterflies in her stomach.

Manik caresses corner of her lips and asked once again: bolo na Nandini tum aise kyo gayi...and most importantly tum ro kyo rahe thi...?

Nandini took a deep breath and while gathering her courage to speak something she asked that question which was disturbing her from that moment: Manik y u kissed her?

Manik heard her question and with a sweet smile he leaned more over her face...

While fanning her lips with his hot breath and fixing his gaze on her lips he said:I never kissed anyone else other than you and I am not interested in such kisses in future also (after saying this )he gave a small and smooth kiss on the corner of her lips.I only like this one...(smile)

Nandini open her eyes and saw confusingly at him ...

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be safe everyone.....

see ya

Teri Aadat hai (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें