Whats happening

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~Maxes P.O.V~

So we decided that it would be best, to reunite the camp. I would drive, with Nikki, Harrison and Nerris. Neil would be going with Preston. And Erid would be driving with Dolph.

Everyone else just... eh oh and Space kid going with Neil and Harrison too.... he's kinda forgettable isn't he.....
I was getting ready to go, I wore something a little bit more presentable. I wore a button up shirt that was long sleeved (I always wear long sleeve) and a pair of black jeans, and well black converses.... And I had my jacket.... because I like it...

And as I walked out the door, Calum gripped my leg. He was 6 years old and looked like a mini David with Gwens features and well both their personalities combined.

Gwen smirked,"Calum come here, and Max.."

I turned my head showing I was listening to her.

Gwen grinned,"You look good.... is it for Nikki?"

I felt heat in my cheeks, and weird feeling and I stutter,"N-no.... it's... it's just a... event!"

Gwen teases,"Aww, your in love!"

I turned away I had my keys, my phone and wallet with money. I close the door and heard Gwen cackling. And I rolled my eyes smiled and headed to the car.
Man now I can't stop thinking about Nikki... she's so sweet, and kind... and cute..... and OH MY GOD I F***KING LIKE NIKKI!

~Nikki's P.O.V~

I waited outside my apartment block with Nerris and Harrison. They got into a bit of make out when I came down...
Man and that made me think of Max for some reason.... but it was pretty hilarious to see how flustered they are..
It's been silent ever since. While we were waiting for Max. They looked straight forward occasionally looking at each other..

I broke the silence and giggled,"You guys know you don't have to be quiet.."

Nerris screeched,"I cAnt believe you saw that!"

Harrison said rapidly,"I cannot believe that literally just happened, Nikki don't tell Max whatever you do please! Me and Nerris still need to figure it out!"

I smile knowing I had power and tease,"We'll see..."

And just at that point Max pulled up, he got out the car and I lunged for him.
We both laughed, and then I felt heat in my cheeks and a weird feeling in my stomach. Oh no.... just as I realised my feelings so did Nerris and Harrison... and they smirked at me as I pouted at them.

At that very moment, we had a agreement

~Third Person P.O.V~

Max opened the door for Nikki and got in the drivers seat as Nerris and Harrison sat in the back.

Max began to drive and asked,"Why are we all so quiet?"

Nerris quickly replied,"Nothing no reason."

Max arched a brow and said,"Okay...? So....."

Just then Nikki popped in and cheered,"Max you'll never believe what, my dad is coming over on the weekend! He's going to take me out can you believe it?"

Max smiled,"Oh thats awesome Nikki."

Harrison questioned,"So... whats up with Neil and Preston?"

Nikki Responded,"Their officially dating now."

Nerris said,"I ship those two.."

Harrison sighed,"Yeah me too...."

It fell silent for the rest of the ride, awkward crushes and stuff.
And then they finally made it to the cinema. And right next to it was an arcade.

There stood, Preston and Neil scrolling through their phones and laughing, and Space Kid standing next to Dolph and Erid who leaned against a motorcycle.
They got out of the car, and said hello to each other a bit of chit chat. When they all broke away.
Max went beside Nikki.

Erid asked,"So are you guys a thing yet?"

Max answered,"A thing..?"

Erid said simply,"Like together?"

Nikki and Max blushed hard. Heat in there cheeks.

Nikki's stuttered,"N-no....!"

Max added,"We're just friends."

Dolph smiled,"But you two do everything together unt obvious you guys should be together."

Max stated,"Well we aren't...!"

Nikki replied,"We're close isn't Maxy!"

Max nodded as he they began to enter the cinema with the gang.
And when they got inside they saw.... the flower scouts.

Nikki said quickly,"I.... I'm going to get some snacks.... from the mini store beside."

Max knew something was up, and he chased after her. Everyone cooed at how couple-like they were.
But when they noticed the flower scouts they wanted to go to.

So they decided something else.

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