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David's P.O.V~

I don't know why I confronted Max in such a way. It almost feels like I can't do anything. I have a son who hates himself. And a son who is disobedient. My wife is completely stressed. My jobs on the line. I have to open the summer camp soon. And in all honesty I feel... I feel... I feel like shit....! LOOK AT ME! IM FEELING SORRY FOR MYSLEF WHILE SITTING HERE TALKING TO MY BROKEN SON!!

"Of course your a good father! You took me I and made my life heaven!" Max replied stunned by David's sentence.

I sigh knowing he's trying to make me feel better and I smile at him and say,"Make sure you go to bed, you've got school tomorrow if.... you feel up to it...."

Max smiled back and laughed,"Oh I'm ready to go to bed.... and school..."

I smile back and head into the bedroom where exhausted Gwen was sprawled across the bed fast asleep. I didn't get much sleep that night. I stayed up all night thinking about all my mistakes.

~Time skip sponsored by Maxes P.O.V~
~Maxes p.o.v~

I woke up. And o felt amazing. I got up early and.... re-bandaged my cuts.... got ready for school. I wore a long sleeved black shirt. With blue jeans. And a plaid jacket-shirt thingy, over the black shirt. And of course some black converses. I come to the table to see a tired Callum. Tired David. And a stressed Gwen. I was feeling good for once.

I asked,"Ummm...... sooooo...."

Callum yawned and pouted,"I'm tired!"

Gwen retorted sleepily,"Well.... should've gone to bed on time..."

David rubbed his eyes tiredly and had a coffee cup.

Gwen said,"Come on Callum school."

Callum cried,"But-"

I quickly jump in,"How about i take Callum to school. And then I can go from his school to mine. And then after that, I'll pick him up too since school for me ends earlier then his."

Gwen smirked,"Wait really?"

I reply,"Yes, besides I should get out more like you said."

Gwen already began getting her face mask packets. I grabbed Callum's backpack. And walked with him out the door. He seemed really tired. I wondered what was wrong even though he went to bed around 8:45. He usually would be booming with energetic. Besides the point he seems sad.

I asked him,"What's wrong buddy?"

He replied sadly,"Did I make mommy sad yesterday?"

I didn't really know how to reply so i just responded,"No, bud... she was just really tired."

Callum nodded and we continued to walk to his school.

Callum then questions,"Why do you come home soooo late?"

I smirk at that question it was because I got detentions. But today I would let it slide. And even if I did get a detention... I'll  just skip it and do it tomorrow. I didn't really give a shit. 

I replied,"Because... I go out and have to do some boring stuff...."

Callum looked at me confused and he asked,"Is Nikki your girlfriend?"

I immediately blush. Does Callum think me and Nikki are together.

I stutter,"N-No buddy..... we're just super close f-friends...." I let out a awkward smile.

Callum then was going to ask some more questions but I cut him off by taking him to his class.

I wave and say,"Bye Callum, coming for you later."

I chuckle to myself. Kids can be so smart but easily manipulated. I mean I couldn't. I knew everything in the book. The talk. The punishments. Well I know all the other.... punishments.

And shit.... I'm gonna be late.... well time to sprint!

~Time Skip sponsored by Nikki's P.O.V~
~Nikki's P.O.V~ (A/N Idk why I'm telling you twice)

When I woke up that morning I didn't really care about my dad practically abandoning me on the other side of Sleepy peak region... well the central part anyway.

I now know Max feels the same way about me. I get all dressed up and cute today. Because me and Max are friends now. I didn't plan on telling my mom anything about my dad or Max. She tends to go all mama bear... and we don't want that. So as I sat down eating at the table.

My mother asks,"How was it yesterday."

I replied not my usual bubbly self,"Eh... the last part was the best."

My mom confused questions,"What do you mean."

I quickly say,"Ice-cream!"

My mom just laughs after I finish my cereal. She wipes my face and hands me my bag.

She says,"Have a good day."

And with that I walk out the door and wait for Max at school. At first I thought he wasn't coming because the bell rang and we were already taking our seats. And Max just bursts into the door.

~Third Person P.O.V~

Max quickly opened the door hoping that the teacher wouldn't be mad.
But he was wrong. He wasn't even that late.

The teacher shouted,"Max! Do you realise how late you are?"

Max rolled his eyes and said,"It's two minutes after the bell.... so why don't I take my seat and you get on with your job?"

The teacher yelled,"Max! You shouldn't talk to me in that way! You have a detention after school with me today is that understood? And if you do not show up do god help me you will regret it."

Max retorted,"First of all.... you just made a threat to a minor. Second of all... using the term god.... isn't that a little bit rude... because I don't know if your religious miss but some people.. are and what you said could be offensive."

The teacher frustrated continued with her lesson. Max took his seat next to Nikki. They both blushed in unison and decided it would be best to wait for the lesson to end before the talk about it.

Max was staring at the door now. But he was in his own world. Just thinking. Nikki noticed this and she thought it was cute. She held his hand under the desk. But luckily they sat at the back. So no one would notice.

The teacher then shouted,"Max!"

Max woke up from his daydreaming and sat up.

The teacher asked,"Are you paying attention? Is my lesson that boring?"

Max said,"I'm sorry miss... but it wasn't the lesson it's you..." and the class looked at a max like boii your gonna get it! But Max continued,"And as a matter of fact. Algebra(Or calculus)is completely useless, and wouldn't be helpful in the future."

The teacher sternly replied,"Out."

Max leaned further back in his chair and said,"Nah it's okay miss carry on."

She had enough by now and commanded,"Go to the principles office."

Max just responded,"Miss haven't you heard the freedom thing? Are we not entitled to live our own lives? So why should I do as you say. Because sending me to someone who has a title.... doesn't work on me.. I see all you teachers the same. So why should I be sent to another teacher who just gets payed more?"

The teacher boomed,"MAX GET OUT! ILL BE WRITING A REPORT!"

Max just laughed and whispered to Nikki,"I'll be in the library."

Nikki nodded and continued with the lesson. Max left and he didn't really care about the detention... he just wouldn't turn up.

And as a matter of fact. He didn't actually really care.

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