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Nikki was stranded at the ice-cream parlour that her father left her in. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was angry. But she knew she couldn't get home. She couldn't just walk. And her mother couldn't collect her she was at work.

Nikki thought,'Nerris!'

~Texting Nerris and Nikki~

Nikki: Hey Nerris I was wondering if you could pick me up?

Nerris: Sorry Nikki I'm with Harrison right now..

Nikki: That's okay, enjoy your date.

Nerris: Will do!


Nikki sighed. She was all alone, she then thought about Neil! Yes maybe!

~Neil and Nikki texting~

Nikki: Hey Neil... I was wondering if you could pick me up if your not busy.

Neil: Sorry hanging with Preston...

Nikki: Is anyone free?

Neil: Space kid cant drive, Erid as Dolph have gone on holiday...


Neil: they needed to get away from the lame or something idk.

Nikki: Oh okay I'll just call a cab.

Neil: okay bye. Be careful

Nikki: I will..


Nikki couldn't actually afford a cab she was so far out. She huffed our. She finally realised life isn't always happy. You have to expect the unexpected. And overall trust... maybe.... she could only think of one person who could help her situation...

~You know who Nikki's texting~

Nikki: Max...

Max: Nikki...?

Nikki: Help......

Max: Where?

Nikki: Ice cream parlour, Peak beach

Max: Say no more..


~Time skip sponsored by my life~

Max pulled up within 45 minutes. Nikki was cold and she walked up to his car upset and broken.

Max didn't say anything. But he put a jacket around her knowing she was visibly distraught. When he began to drive. He didn't say anything he just focused on the road. But he felt weird and guilty driving with Nikki. Eventually...

Max said sorrowfully,"Things didn't go as planned.."

Nikki frowned,"You were right he didn't care.... drove off with some bitch..." 

Tears strolled down Nikki's face. She was out of it. And emotionally damaged. Max was too. But he could hide it.

Nikki cried,"Why doesn't he care about me...?"

Max couldn't answer that. He questioned that himself. Why didn't they care at all. At least they didn't dump him at some random ice cream parlour. It was at a summer camp every other summer. Tap classes. Sowing... knitting...

Max sighed,"I honestly don't know... I don't wanna give you false hope... because it doesn't help... trust me I know..."

Nikki felt drawn back. She sighed.. she leant the back of her head against the seat.

Nikki said,"I'm sorry for what I said to you... I didn't mean it."

Max replied,"Likewise."

Nikki huffed,"You don't have to be sorry!"

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