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~Nikki's P.O.V~

Well, after I yelled at Max... I started to cry... and I have no clue why... Nerris ran after me.
She was confused and I just started to cry and cry and sob... but why!?

Nerris asked gently,"Hey... what happened.."

I speak through my sobs,"I *Hic* have no *sniff*  idea!"

Nerris put her arm around me, and she sat me down. Preston came over, with some tissues and stuff.

Preston said,"It's time to go, I'll talk with Nikki."

I don't know why Preston is so nice to me. I thought I was a jerk back there... I was a jerk back there... but what Max said struck me...  it triggered me... and I got angry... was it because I tried to neglect the... truth...

But... of course my dad cares! Right?

But I forget about that and just walk with Preston to the car. We had all our stuff, ready to go. And we began to drive off.
I sat in the back with Preston. He was comforting me... he managed to get me to start laughing again... he distracted me from what had just happened. But I knew that I had to talk to him.

Preston said his tone changing from fun to serious in a matter of seconds,"Nikki, please... tell me what happened between you two."

I was sad again, but I didn't cry this time because I knew it was tiering for everyone.

So I stuttered,"W-well... Max told me about..... a few things.... I can't tell you what we discussed... because in Max's behalf.... it's his private business... anyway.... he told me to be careful about my dad... and it set m-me of..."

Preston out his hand on my shoulder, he smiled and reassured,"Look, it's okay to feel offended. Especially when it comes to family. But I'm sure what he was telling you that because he cares about you..."

I nodded, but I can't face Max for a while. I'm sure we both need sometime to simmer down.
We made it it the apartment block, the rest of the way we just sang Disney songs. It was fun, and I awaited my mother as I came in.
~Third Person P.O.V~

Nikki left the car thanking Neil and Preston. Everyone lived in apartments near each other. Neil lived with Nikki anyway. But he went to go with Preston.

When Nikki came in her mother was on the phone. She was arguing with Carl(Neils dad)

Her mother Candy yelled,"Oh Carl! All you care about is that darn job of yours!"

Nikki didn't want to disturb her, so she came in and walked straight into her room. She put her stuff down and showered. After she went out and her mother was still yelling in her room.

Nikki's snuck past to get some food. Her mother had left her down spaghetti bolognese. Nikki's favourite.
Not until around two years ago after a huge argument she had with her mom... did she realise how bad life is.

But some good came from that argument...

Nikki cried out,"Maybe if you actually tried to get to know instead of hanging out with random men for money!
Then you would know me!"

Nikki sighed remembering that... and it felt good to get that off her chest. But it was also scary... she didn't know how her mother would react. She has never been smacked or yelled at by her mother. But she has seen her angry when Nikki's dad and her would fight.

Nikki's dad shouted,"Well bitch! I guess you only wanted me for my

It was true, all Nikki's mother wanted was money. However after the argument her and her mother had a heart to heart.

Nikki's mom said crying,"I'm so sorry.. I never knew you felt like... *hic* Nicolette..."

And from that day forward, Nikki had a mother. A mother who cared, and stopped everything she used to do for Nikki.

Nikki's mother then came into the kitchen, she was still a bit heated.

Nikki's mother asked,"Are you okay dear? Where's Neil?"

Nikki responded,"He went to meet with his friends.. I don't know when he'll be back."

Nikki's mother smiled,"Nicolette, I'm so glad that I have you for a daughter... but there's something I want to talk about."

Nikki's smile softened, as concern and confusion filled her.

Nikki's mother began,"Well sweet heart, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with meeting your father."

Nikki smiled happily,"Yeah of course!"

Her mother smiled softly back before she stood up and left the room.
And there was Nikki all alone, wondering if everyone was right.

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