You can run, But you Can't Hide

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(Third Person PoV)

Max and David we're heading home, Max was still shaking, but the tears had stopped rolling, and his breathing was slowly evening out. He leaned his head against the car window, and began to text Nikki back.

Of course she would ask.
Of course Max would lie.
Of course he felt terrible.

But Max was too paranoid to explain right now. Would it be better if him and David parked further down and walk back up tot the flats? What if they were following them?

"D-David... what... what I-if they... they follow u-us... " max stuttered.

David pursed his lips together, Max had a point. What if they were. But he had to remain calm.

David said in a calm tone,"We'll park a little further down then, they won't try and hurt you if people are around. Besides even if they do follow us, I'll make a big commotion. And that way, they probably be stopped. I have a flare for creating a big commotion."

That made a small sad laugh come from Max, he was still shaking uncontrollably. But he felt calmer.

"I won't let them hurt you Max."

Max looked at David who was parking close but a little further away from the flats.

Max smiled"I know..... and I'm grateful..."

I feel terrible... I'm such a burden.... my life is running him and Gwens happy life... I'm going to drag Callum into this mess aren't I.... I'm such a screw up.....

Max internally scolded.

-Back at the school-

Nikki decided that she would head to Maxes place, so she sneakily left the class room... but obviously got noticed. She snuck out of the school. And saw too teachers get into a car and leave. Her sub she just had? And another guy? She didn't question it but ran to Maxes place.
She noticed David's car wasn't parked out front. She shrugged and made her way up the stairs to the apartment.

"Odd, no ones answering the door."  Nikki said aloud. "Maybe he did have an appoin—-"

Suddenly the two teachers form earlier appeared. Nikki thought for a second.

She blurted our,"Oh, your my sub."

The women ignored her statement and asked,"Does Max live here?"

Nikki asked back,"What's it to you?"

The women walked up to Nikki her heels clicking with every step. She was taller the Nikki... she seemed a lot like Max... she looked behind to see the man standing behind the women....

He has, Curly hair..........

She has, emerald eyes...

Both tanned, with black hair......


Nikki's got defensive she balled up her fists, and glared at the pair. She got into a fighting stance and she seethed,"Leave."

The couple smirked and the man made his way towards a furious Nikki. He got information of her and attempted to push he but she dodged. But she suddenly felt her hair getting yanked back, causing her to Yelp in pain. Footsteps where heard coming up the stairs. Maxes mother shoved Nikki towards Maxes father as he held her in a choke hold. She could barley get any air. And she began to gasp.

David and Max made it up the stairs by that time. And Max froze when he saw the scene. Whereas before maxes parents could threaten David punched Maxes dad incoming him unconscious. Max ran up to Nikki helping her up.

David warmed,"You leave my fucking, family alone, or so god i will do much worse then punch your shitty little husband."

Maxes mother was shocked and she responded,"We will sue you!"

David muttered,"Self defence bitch."

And with that she held her husband up who was dizzy and bleeding from the nose down the stairs. By now there was blood on the floor, Max was crying again, with Nikki and David's knuckle was bruised.

Great. This is going great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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