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~Nikki's P.O.V~

I made my way to the library after class. Even though it was lesson 1, I didn't mind being late to my next lesson as long as Max is there with me.
I came in through the door. The librarian didn't care. She sat there half the time and was rarely there.

~Third person P.O.V~

Nikki smiled,"Hey."

Max looked up from his phone and smirked,"So is the teacher mad?"

Nikki said,"You bet, your in for a long detention man."

Max snorted and replied,"I ain't gonna show up."

Nikki turned to him as she was sitting beside him leaning on him.
Nikki's eyebrows furrowed and she asked,"Don't you think that's a bad idea?"

Max asked back,"What do you mean?"

Nikki said,"Well, you've already got bad records Max. And eventually your going to get kicked out from bad behaviour."

Max sighed,"I can't go anyway, I have to pick up Callum. I mean your right about my behaviour. But... my grades are decent so... they'll hopefully keep me in."

Nikki replied,"Well yeah it's uncertain though. Max you need to start taking this seriously. I care about you. You need to—"

Max kissed Nikki and smiled,"Don't worry... besides we've got class to get to."

Nikki pouted,"No fair!"

Max chuckled,"Come on miss let's go."

Max took Nikki's hand and led her to their class. They where late but who cares. Before they entered the class. Max was giddy and happy. He was all ready for this.
He stepped in, only to be faced with fear. He turned to see who the teacher was. Could it really be.... no.... could it..

Max gasped I shock and whispered to Nikki,"I've gotta go!"

But the teacher evilly said,"Come on Max and whoever that girl is.... take a seat."

Max felt his chest tighten he sat at the table scared to death. It really couldn't be.. he had to text David.
He quickly brought out his, phone his hand shaking. Neil sat beside him whilst Nikki sat in front.

Neil asked whispering,"Dude are you okay?"

Max didn't even respond. He was on the verge of a panic attack. Neil carried on paying attention to the lesson.
The teacher glared at him time to time.

|David and Max Text|

Max: David I need to come home


Max: my mother is here

David: What!?

Max: shit she saw me! Make an excuse get me outta here!

|Real life|

Max stuffed his phone back in his pocket as his mother began making her way towards him.

The teacher snarled,"Give me that phone."

Max didn't know what to do he usually rebelled. David was coming right? Teachers couldn't do anything to students? In front of students?

Max retorted,"No, get back to teaching."

The teacher was shocked. Well it was Maxes mother. He sat there arms folded as he glared at her and she did back. She smirked for some odd reason and said,"I guess, you can keep your phone... I'm going to carry on with the lesson."

Max was so beyond belief that that just happened. What!
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

The teacher came to the door and some mumbled sentences.

She called out,"Max get your stuff, your going home."

Max smiled and grabbed his stuff and quickly left the room. Nikki wondered why he left so abruptly. And suddenly. Why didn't he tell her he was leaving early. Something  wasn't right.

~Maxes P.O.V~

I quickly ran out the room. I turned the corner to see which teacher was escorting me. But before I could. I was grabbed someone's hand over my mouth. I squirmed about and the guy began to escape with me. Then it hit me.... dad...?

I squirmed our of his grip and I tried to punch him. A power cut hit the school which mean security cameras where out. He punched and kicked me until I was left on the floor blood drooping out of my mouth. And bruised with a black eye.

My father spat,"We're going to make, your life living hell. And don't think of telling anyone other wise you'll be dead. Do you understand we will be coming for your family."

I ran to the boys bathroom hoping to get away from my dad. I was hiding in a bathroom stall. I grabbed tissues and dabbed where i was cut. And I obviously had a black eye which wasn't there this morning. I ran to the front desk after I cleaned up barged past David. And got into the car. I hope he doesn't ask and assumes, that I got into a fight.

Uhhhhh, Karmas catching up on me. Are you kidding me. My shitty parents from the past. Are trying to get revenge on em for some reason. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. And if I tell David I'm sure they will make my life more hell. But if I do tell David I can, stop this hell. But it would go under investigation. Making David and Gwen mad. And I'll have to put up with them while under investigation. Seriously fuck my life.

(A/N Sorry it took a while! I've been busy and stuff. But here's the chapter. MAXES PARENTS HAVE SHOWN UP. I want to make this book as long as I can. So let's see)

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