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‼️Self Harm‼️
‼️Deep discussions‼️

~Third Person P.O.V~

Max sat there, he felt limp... he felt scared.. he felt his parents raging words wash over him.
Small whimpers escaped his lips, as he pulled his knees up tighter.

He felt a wash of dizziness fall upon him. He felt ill... and just like that lights out...
He woke up to the sound of Gwen leaving. Muffled goodbyes and stuff.
Max tried to get up, but he felt a bit weak from yesterday. His arm stung causing him to lean forward and breathe loud.
He claimed himself down and very carefully pulled him hoodie over himself and slid it, very gently over his arms... trying to let as little skin touch the jumper.

He used his right arm to pull himself up. His eyes hurt, his back hurt, his head hurt. Everything hurt.
He looked over at the knife with blood on it.
Max felt himself panic a bit... he didn't want to do this again... he heard David making something. He walked out weakly of his room. Holding the door frame for support. He slowly crept using all of his strength to make it there.

David heard his foot steps and asked from the kitchen,"Max? Is that you? If it is I've made toast!"

Max said trying to stay composed,"Is Callum and or Gwen?"

David turned around, to see Max in a state. Pale skin, red eyes with bags under them.

David stuttered,"N-no they aren't... us e-everything okay?"

Max tried to stay strong but he broke down... he crumbled to the floor. And David came beside him.

David asked concerned,"Max whats wrong? What happened?"

Max couldn't talk over him sobs, and David helped him over to the couch. Max calmed down. He breathed in...

Max whimpered,"I fucked up David..."

David looked at Max with furred brows and titled his head.

Max continued weakly,"I-I... I... accidentally.. h-hurt Nikki's feelings... and well... s-she... and I-I... had to punish myself... a-and so..."

David was now extremely worried he looked Max up and down no injuries so far.... and then David thought... please no.. he looked at Maxes jumper...

David questioned gently,"Max, whatever you did.. you can tell me.."

Max just closed his eyes, and slowly revealed the damage to his arms. David was shocked and mad at himself.
He got up and grabbed a medical kit that had bandages.

David watched as tears streamed down Maxes face. David began to bandage Max.

David softly said,"Do you want to talk about anything?"

Max nodded. He really wanted David to know the horrible things his parents done.

Max said vaguely,"My... scars.... are like a memory... I... mean it's just... I thought it was my fault all this happened to me..."

David said reassuringly,"It's not your fault Max..."

Max asked blankly,"So why... did my parents do this to me...?"

David didn't know how to respond to that, so he just stared Max right into the eyes.
They sat in silence as David, bandaged Max up. He rolled the bandage round and round.
After that David got up and put up the medical kit away.

David asked,"Max, do you want some coffee?"

Max shook his head, he didn't feel like drinking, or eating. He just felt ill.
He sat there for the rest of the day, Gwen cane back, and Max just sat there on his phone. Ignoring everyone and anyone. But luckily David told Gwen what had happened and she allowed him to sit there.

Later on by the time Calum had gone to bed, Max was still sat in the same position. But staring at the Tv. He was like a broken and emotionless teenager.
Gwen sat down beside him nothing changed. He looked like he was in a long daze.

Gwen said,"Hey..... I heard about what happened..."

Max turned over to look at Gwen, he didn't want to talk at all. He just wanted to forget about it. He didn't care about his past. He didn't care about the future. He didn't care about the present.
Maybe he should be just like his parents, and not give a shit.

Gwen sighed,"Your life has been shit, Max. So.... I know it's hard to talk about all that's happened... but we need to know."

Max got up and retorted,"It's not just about my parents, it's Nikki..."

Gwen questioned,"Nikki..?"

Max went to his room, in a fast pace. Gwen thought maybe she should leave him alone. But she was mad at the fact that Max couldn't talk to her.
She was like his mother, and she wants to take care of him. But he doesn't talk to her... what is even going on anymore.

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