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~Third Person P.O.V~

Max ran after Nikki, and he entered the store beside to see her trying to calm down.

Max hugged her tightly and said,"Hey... it's okay... I know what's up and we don't have to go with those bitches there."

Nikki looked up at Max and cried,"Yeah but I don't want to ruin it for everyone."

Max smiled comfortingly,"Your not, and I'm sure they'll understand.. besides we haven't even purchased tickets."

Max took Nikki's hand and they brought a few sweets and left the mart, and everyone was outside surprisingly.

Neil snickered,"Oooh.... did something happen between the two of you..?"

Max deadpanned replied,"No, it's called comfort professor."

Nikki asked,"What are you all doing out here...?"

Preston sighed,"The hoes are there."

Erid interrupted,"So we're all going to arcade, and then the park probably."

Dolph smirked,"Why don't we go to unt beach?"

Nerris smiled,"Yeah... so after the arcade we can all head there."

Max didn't mind the beach, he still couldn't swim though. He hated it, his parents never took him to swimming lessons. So he didn't have that basic skill but he could paddle his feet in the water at least.

They all agreed and they went into the arcade. Nikki loved arcade games, and so did Max. They were always on a team or playing against each other.
But while she was talking with Nerris. He took t he sky opportunity to slip in a coin and win her a platypus plush.
Nikki instantly fell in love and she hugged Max.
Neil and Preston spied on them the whole time and when it got a bit later around 3ish they decided it was time to head to the beach.
So they went to a nearby target got swimsuits, and headed there. It was a sort of long drive and then yeah they managed to make it there about 4:30.
So a hour and a half drive.
When they got there they found two small beach houses to rent, one for the guys and one for the girls.

They changed the girls all wore bikinis, and the guys wore trunks, but of course Max wore a hoodie, he just had to get one, it bugged Nikki a lot. She wanted to see his abs glow.
She knew he had abs because every time they hug and he wears a long sleeved shirt she can feel them.

They laid out a few towels and Max just sat on one and watched Nikki slash in the ocean with Nerris. They began a water fight it was all funny, Max was sort of forgotten but he didn't mind.
Nikki noticed, and she ran up to him.

Nikki pouted,"Come on Max! Play with us!"

Max rolled his eyes and laughed,"I don't wanna get wet."

Nikki done her adorable puppy like eyes and Max and he couldn't resist.

Max mumbled,"Fine."

Nikki jumped up and down as Max began to shoot. They ran around re filling and even Max got into the water.
After all of that Max was soaked and everyone bugged him to take of his hoodie.

Max said nervously,"I can't guys... it's weird..."

Nikki rolled her eyes and smiled,"Don't be shy!"

Nerris smirked,"Would you rather have a cold?"

Max felt pressure to and he warned,"Are you sure...?"

Everyone deadpanned replied,"Yes Max!"

And with that Max sighed,"Please don't ask me."

They were confused, at first but realised why he wore a hoodie. They tried to act like it's no big deal but found it hard not to stare.

Maxes arms and back and all over his chest and abs were deep, scars.

Max laughed nervously,"I'm scarred... it's nothing really just fooling around as a kid and a a few knocks.."

Everyone carried on as they were cautious of Max. By then.. Harrison and Nerris were making out.... Neil and Preston watched the sunset... Dolph and Erid sat on towel. Nikki and Max sat close to the sea with Nikki.

Nikki asked nervously,"S-so how did you get those scars?"

Max had a bit of a shaky breathe then. He didn't want to tell her but... he trusted her.

Max said,"As long as you don't tell anyone... and I mean anyone..."

Nikki knew this was serious... and Max doesn't talk about himself often.

Nikki replied,"I promise."

Max breathed in and out and began,"When I was younger... my parents never wanted me.... they ignored me starved me.... and...... th-they.... m-my d-d dad would....." He calmed himself and then whispered softly,"He would hurt me... torture me.... for any little mistake... and well... emotionally abused me... my mother would just sit there and watch...."

Nikki put her hand on Max's shoulder and said,"Im sorry that happend to you..."

Max turned around said,"That's why you must be carful with your father... I don't want him to hurt to you again."

Nikki stopped for a second... she felt angry... her dad was nothing like Max's dad.

Nikki asked,"W-what do you mean?"

Max replied,"What I'm saying is you've got to be careful Nik."

Nikki was extremely offended, her dad never meant to hurt her! He had to leave it was her mom who forced it!

Nikki said harshly,"Yeah but my dad is like your shitty dad Max."

Max was shocked he turned to look at Nikki confused. He didn't mean to offend her.

Max said softly,"Nikki I-I was just saying-"

Nikki cut him off and snapped"No I know what your saying! Your trying to pull me down! Because yo-your just jealous of me!"

She began to drag attention tears in her eyes, why was she crying? What the hell? But she had so much rage still in her.

Nikki shouted at Max,"J-just because your dad was shit! Doesn't mean mine is!"

Everyone had gathered round to see what was going on.

Nikki added strongly,"And by the way... maybe your dad wouldn't have treated you like shit.... if you weren't such a piece of shit."

Everyone was silent and shocked, Nikki folded her arms and turned around she walked off. Nerris walked over to her Nikki was crying.

Max wasn't crying. He wasn't even angry. He just stood up, turned to Neil.

And said,"You know what, I'm heading home."

Neil didn't say anything, Max just walked off. Got his stuff out everyone else lance stuff in the huts and drove off.

Neil stated,"Well this is a mess..."

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