They were right

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Nikki was ecstatic, today she got to meet up with her dad! She was so happy. Finally she focused on the positives. She didn't want to think about the past. Nothing was going to stop her today. Not Max. Not her mother. Not the past. Not anything.
She quickly got dressed done her hair. Grabbed her phone and a purse with some money. She rushed out of the door.

Nikki's mother shouted,"Have fun hun!"

Nikki yelled back,"I will."

And with that Nikki closed the door. She was going to meet her dad at the town park. She ran and ran to meet him there in time. When she got there he wasn't in sight. She thought maybe he was just sat late. Maybe he was getting her a gift. Traffic? Oooh what if he was playing a trick on her.

She was wrong she sat there for an hour until he finally showed up.

Nikki's dad smiled,"Sorry Nikki, traffic."

Nikki shrugged and said excitedly,"It's okay! As long as I get to see you."

Nikki's dad then smiled at her again and told her,"Get in the car."

Nikki excitedly got in the car. She sat in the front with her dad. She saw notifications form several people with girl names. She assumed workers.
Her dad smiled sheepishly at them and just snorted to himself. Nikki felt uncomfortable.

Her dad then asked,"So you wanna head to the ice cream parlour? Like... the one near the beach."

It was a long ride away and Nikki just nodded. She excitedly waited for her dad to start conversation. But he kept focusing on the road and she could tell he was thinking about something.

Nikki questioned,"So what have you been up to lately?"

Nikki's dad replied,"Ehh just work."

Nikki responded,"Cool...."

They sat in silence for a while. Well pretty much most of the ride. Not what Nikki imagined but... it's better then nothing. She knew her dad would make her day.

After a long long.... long... car ride. They finally made it to the place. Nikki smiled happily getting out of the car.

Her father asked,"So... what do you do now?"

Nikki happily replied,"I have been studying a lot! And hanging with friends! All that cool stuff! The other day I went to the beach."

Nikki's father just nodded and questioned not caring what Nikki just said,"How's your mother? Is she single?"

Nikki awkwardly answered,"Ummm... y-yes?"

He nodded and they entered the parlour. Just as Nikki saw her father smiling she smiled too. She thought at that moment he did care. But then when she adverted her gaze she saw how he was looking at the women. Nikki's hope suddenly faded. He probably doesn't care...

He spoke up and said,"Nikki... here's 5 dollars get some ice cream and meet me back in the car..... heheheh.."

Nikki said,"I brought my own money dad don't worry!" She ended with a smile. She got some ice cream for herself. And as she made her way to the car she saw a women enter and her dad sped off. Nikki was shocked. She looked around dumbfounded.
She quickly called her dad and no-one answered. Then it suddenly said that she couldn't call this number anymore.

She couldn't believe it... he blocked her... Nikki threw the ice-cream on the floor. She teared up and didn't went to a bench.

She couldn't believe it... Max was right... her dad was so... WHY!!!



(A/N sorry it's been so long. Rough time lately. Someone close to me passed away. And it's been difficult to write. Apologies in advanced. Updating regularly)

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