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⚠️Warning FlashBack⚠️
⚠️Child Abuse⚠️
⚠️Self Harm⚠️
⚠️Dark Thoughts⚠️

~Max's P.O.V~

When I was a little boy. Brought into the world... thinking there would be light and joy. That's what I expected.
When I was little I was mostly forgotten... it's sort of funny... when I was 3 years old I was forgotten in my parents car. Eventually, they came out to come and get me.

After that, I was sweating and dizzy, and falling all over the place... and that was the first time I was struck.
And yelled at. I curled up in corner... I went quiet... I was terrified.. I didn't understand... I just thought they didn't care...

The abuse didn't stop... every mistake I made I was punished... my dad.... when he got drunk he attacked me... but it was only right... that's all I thought...

I thought maybe it'll stop if I just behave... until I realised.. they just didn't care about me...

All those times I made the smallest mistake... and every single day.... he beat me... she insulted me.... I thought that was because I did something wrong...
but it was only because I was no significance....

When I first went to camp... I was so excited... a small, little, six year old full of energy! It didn't take to long for me to realise what was happening... and when I turned seven and went again the next year.. I completely changed...
I hated camp... I hated life... I hated me..

The next year... when I was eight... I was so.... I was so... broken..?
I reached for my knife... I had it because one time my father tried to throw a knife at me... he was so drunk... thank god he missed... and then he... proceeded to beat me...

So then I.... I used that knife.... to.... I... c-cut myself.... and I.... cut myself... it's a punishment... because...


As Nikki said..... I'm a piece of shit

~Third Person P.O.V~

Max entered the apartment it must've been about 7:30pm.
Calum was clearly driving Gwen mad. He was practically having a heated argument with Gwen. David was trying to convince him to go to bed.

Gwen demanded,"Calum! I'm going to count to three. If your not in bed I'm taking away all your toys do you understand!?"

Max walked through the door just as she finished.
Calum stormed of to his room, and Gwen slammed the door which made Max flinch.

Gwen asked angered,"Where the fuck have you been?"

Max muttered,"It doesn't matter.."

David said,"Max come don't be rude!"

Max just sighed and walked off, he went to his and closed the door.
David didn't bother following after him. 

Max took of his jumper, he looked at each scar one by one. Remembering the torment of his parents.. remembering how he inflicted some himself.... he didn't want to do it ever again... no not ever... but...

He had too...
He hurt Nikki
He has to pay

So Max, trembled as he pulled out the box from under his bed. He felt his eyes water as he sniffled a bit.. his hand shook vigorously as he placed the knife to his skin...

He slowly dragged it across his skin, silently crying as he did... he got angry with himself... he began to violently scrape his arm with knife... making blood drip out from his arm... he pulled his knees up to his face and fell silent as the tears dropped...
He remembers this feeling all to well...


(A/N: Okay.... so I've already gotten into the drama...  because I have no idea how to write a good book 😂 but this part totally drags and now I feel like it's over done... but not done well enough... so please leave suggestions!)

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